August 14, 2012 0

The Guillotine Drops

By News Desk

The Guillotine Drops A few weeks ago, before Joe Paterno’s statue was removed, Eli wrote in a post entitled Death Penalty Eli, as some have noted, is an ancient professor, an academic if you will.  He has followed the collapse of governance at Penn State with the interest of a bunny watching a disaster unveiled, and recently saw much back and forth about the NCAA (the folks who profit from and do the pompous on intercollegiate athletics in the US) imposing the death penalty on football at PSU.

August 14, 2012 0

Libyan Terrorists Are Invading Syria

By News Desk

In essence, Syria has been under invasion for nearly a year by Libyan terrorists – and as we will see, the Libyans are by no means an imperial force, but rather a terroristic foreign legion employed by far more nefarious players. The West is Invading Syria by Proxy  NATO-member Turkey is directly complicit in facilitating Libya’s extraterritorial aggression by hosting Libyan fighters within its borders, while coordinating their funding, arming, and logistics as they cross the Turkish-Syrian border.

August 13, 2012 0

West Celebrates as Dark Age Descends over Egypt

By News Desk

In a May 6, 2012 Reuters article it stated : "Working quietly, the Brotherhood has been financing Free Syrian Army defectors based in Turkey and channeling money and supplies to Syria, reviving their base among small Sunni farmers and middle class Syrians, opposition sources say."  The Muslim Brotherhood was nearing extinction in Syria before the latest unrest, and while Reuters categorically fails in its report to explain the "how" behind the Brotherhood’s resurrection, it was revealed in a 2007 New Yorker article titled, " The Redirection " by Seymour Hersh. The Brotherhood was being directly backed by the US and Israel who were funneling support through the Saudis so as to not compromise the "credibility" of the so-called "Islamic" movement. Hersh revealed that members of the Lebanese Saad Hariri clique, then led by Fouad Siniora, had been the go-between for US planners and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

August 13, 2012 0

Percentage Growth in Government Jobs vs. Private Jobs vs. Population Growth; Facts and Consequences

By News Desk

Just 14% expect today’s children to be better off than their parents Just 31% believe the U.S. economy will be stronger in one year Just 27% think the country is heading in the right direction.  Just 24% of American Adults believe the job market is better than a year ago 44% think the job market is worse, up 15 points from June Demographics Suggest Majority is Right I happen to agree with the majority who think those now graduating from high school will not be better off than their parents. There are too few jobs, too much student debt, and too few workers supporting too many retirees on Social Security