September 12, 2012 0

German Court Approves ESM While Ruling "No Unlimited Liability, Parliament Must Approve Changes in Ceiling"; Sigh of Relief Reaction

By News Desk

For further discussion, please see Target2 and the ELA (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) program; Reader From Europe Asks "Can You Please Explain Target2?" Moreover, the recently hatched OMT plan of Mario Draghi in and of itself has potential unlimited liability in that it allows unlimited purchases of sovereign bonds for which Germany and other countries are responsible for their share of the pie in accordance with percentages noted in the above link. Finally, please note that 37,000 people signed a petition against this deal, and polls show it likely would not have passed if put to a vote.

September 12, 2012 0

US-Backed Terrorists Murder US’ Own Ambassador in Libya

By News Desk

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 US-Backed Terrorists Murder US’ Own Ambassador in Libya Murdered US Ambassador exposes US "pro-democracy" foreign policy – same terrorists US backs in Syria are behind the murder of US Ambassador in Libya. by Tony Cartalucci Update : The picture below of John McCain in Benghazi, during the violent military subversion of Libya in 2011, includes the now deceased US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens on the right, wearing a blue tie.  Stevens has now become a victim of the very terrorists he played a role in creating. The caption below has been edited to reflect this information.