Proposal to Leverage ESM to 2 Trillion Euros; Is Merkel’s Rubber Stamp Ready?
View original post here: Proposal to Leverage ESM to 2 Trillion Euros; Is Merkel’s Rubber Stamp Ready?
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View original post here: Proposal to Leverage ESM to 2 Trillion Euros; Is Merkel’s Rubber Stamp Ready?
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While the bickering between France, Germany, and the Troika continues, Greece grapples with shadow of Golden Dawn Golden Dawn, which won 7 per cent of the vote in June’s election and entered parliament for the first time, is on a roll, pulling established parties to the right – including Corinth’s socialists. Polls suggest the party has gained ground since the election as anxiety deepens over a possible Greek expulsion from the euro. A poll this week showed a near doubling in the number of people expressing “positive opinions†about Golden Dawn, up from 12 per cent in May to 22 per cent now.
See the original post: Fair Trade is Unfair; In Praise of Cheap Labor; Are Bad Jobs at Bad Wages Better…
So, since you bring up petroleum geologists, have you read the back page of the latest EOS?Dr. Bitz is quoted.I suspect some editor at EOS is going to get whacked for publishing the truth about this reorganization.Those who’ve paid their dues (a mere $20/year) will have the paper copy handy; this is the story: Full Article –…/2012EO380003_nws.pdf6 days ago – Cavanaugh sent Eos a statement noting that the intention … the reorganization is to “position the Foun- dation to be ..
September 23, 2012 Democracy is a Form of Oppression The modern concept of "democracy" is perhaps the most effective form of human oppression ever devised.
Does Mitt Romney really "Know Better" than the silly things he has said on the campaign trail lately? I ask the question because that subject came up twice recently, once in Time Magazine , and once in the Financial Times .
Marilyn Carlson Nelson : CEO of Carlson, director of Exxon Mobil. Stephen Sestanovich : US State Department, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, CFR. Judy Shelton : director of Hilton Hotels Corporation & Atlantic Coast Airlines