December 6, 2012 0

The DARPA Vacuum

By News Desk

Links The DARPA Vacuum December 6, 2012 (LD) – A conscious, pragmatic movement, as well informed as it is technically competent, pursuing advanced localism , post-scarcity and the reduction of disparity, elitism, insidiously imposed social engineering, and economic interdependency, has little to fear as it moves forward. However, as the paradigm-shift exists now – there lacks any clear vision for the future, or situational awareness of the present

December 5, 2012 0

In Memoriam (1920-2012)

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves

December 5, 2012 0

NATO Missiles in Turkey to Point at Syria

By News Desk

A month earlier, Turkey was strafing villages in northern Iraq . In June 2012, the BBC reported in their article, " Turkey in new air strikes on Kurdish rebels in Iraq ," that:  Turkey’s military has confirmed further air strikes against Kurdish rebel bases in northern Iraq

December 4, 2012 0

A modest carbon tax has modest carbon reduction results

By News Desk

A modest carbon tax has modest carbon reduction results Been meaning to highlight Brad Plumer’s post on a paper about the effect of a carbon tax on emissions (full paper here ).  A tax of $20/ton, with an inflation-adjusted 4% annual increase, knocks emissions down 14% by 2020, and a larger number in 2050 if you believe economic projections that far in the future