Climate policy does not need bureaucrats. A carbon tax would work just fine. – Richard Tol
Jay said…
Hard hitting global and local news
Jay said…
Read more here: When you set out on your journey to Stockholm, pray that the road is long, full of…
The Wall Street Journal has a nice interactive map that lets you Make Your Own Deficit-Reduction Plan . I balanced the budget easily without doing things that I think need to be done such as eliminating the department of energy, the department of education, slashing military spending by 35%, etc., etc.
How to Uproot Walmart & Bring Jobs Back Home. December 11, 2012 ( LocalOrg ) – In many towns across America, Walmart, or a similar mega-retailer, is the only option you have when you need (almost) anything. Big-retail is a monopoly in its truest form and it has become so, not through “free market” economics, technological innovation, supply and demand, or healthy competition, but rather through a combination of pro-monopoly rules and regulations, human exploitation, outsourcing labor overseas, while preventing labor domestically from unionizing for better wages, job security, and benefits. The sub-par trinkets, poisoned food and beverages, and slave-made goods that line the corporate consumer troughs at Walmart are the result of a global network taking advantage of socioeconomic disparity, consumer ignorance, and deplorable labor conditions to bring the very lowest prices possible to consumers. The consumers pushing their carts through the aisles of Walmart scarcely realize the conditions within which workers overseas toil to line those aisles.
A number of Eli’s favorite folk have asked the Rabett to post their opinions of him encapsulated in the cartoon at the right . Now some, not Eli to be sure, might think it better to be feared than liked, and he can tell you from experience (on which side is strictly your choice) that the tested way to get a seat on the subway is to act, well, a bit like that with optional drool and froth during rush hour.