December 19, 2012 0

Should there be any mistakes the Bunny will disavow all knowledge of your actions

By News Desk

Should there be any mistakes the Bunny will disavow all knowledge of your actions Eli has found a new toy, a simple energy balance global climate model, which fulfills Box’s dictum that all models are wrong, but some are useful.  Brought to you by the folks at Monash University the Monash Simple Climate Model is based on the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) model, which is a climate model published by Dommenget and Floeter [2011] in the international peer review science journal Climate Dynamics. The model simulates most of the main physical processes in the climate system in a very simplistic way and therefore allows very fast and simple climate model simulations on a normal PC computer. Despite its simplicity the model simulates the climate response to external forcings, such as doubling of the CO2 concentrations very realistically (similar to state of the art climate models)

December 18, 2012 0

Normalized Unemployment Rates; Cyclical vs. Secular Forces

By News Desk

Many have heard of normalized P/E ratios based on 10-year earnings averages and the concept of reversion to the mean. To the best of my knowledge no one has attempted to normalize unemployment rates based on demographic trends, although some have attempted unemployment normalizations based on changing definitions of the meaning of unemployment