January 12, 2013
France, the Hidden Zombie in Europe
By News DeskContinue Reading: France, the Hidden Zombie in Europe
Hard hitting global and local news
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See more here: France Displays Unhinged Hypocrisy as Bombs Fall on Mali
Read the original post: How to End the "Gun Debate" Forever
Crowded crowd-funding for solar projects On Monday, Mosaic announced it would do the first-ever crowd-funding of solar projects , with a $25 minimum investment. Yesterday I tried to buy in myself but their four new projects are fully funded .  They look like they might be having the same problem that Kiva used to have – more money than projects (it also seems like a different model than Kiva, the money goes directly to the projects rather than paying for a general fund)
Continued here: Social Security Payouts Per Worker; Accrued Interest on Accrued Promises; Imagination