January 17, 2013 0

3D Printed Guns Render Gun Control Moot

By News Desk

Links 3D Printed Guns Render Gun Control Moot January 17, 2013 ( LocalOrg-Tony Cartalucci ) – Forbes has recently published an article about New York Congressman Steve Israel’s promise to ban 3D printed high capacity ammunition magazines. The congressman’s comments come after Defense Distributed , an open source DIY gunsmith group working to manufacture both guns and their accessories using 3D printing technology, successfully printed and tested a 30-round AR-15 magazine .

January 16, 2013 0

Over 25% of 401Ks Tapped to Pay Current Bills; Dead-Fish Housing Assets; Walking Away Yet Again

By News Desk

Over 25% of 401Ks Tapped to Pay Current Bills; Dead-Fish Housing Assets; Walking Away Yet Again At an increasing rate, even during the alleged recovery, consumers are tapping their 401Ks to pay current bills according to a study by advisory firm HelloWallet as describe in the Washington Post article 401(k) breaches undermining retirement security for millions . A report due out this week from the financial advisory firm HelloWallet found that more than one in four workers dip into retirement funds to pay their mortgages, credit card debt or other bills

January 16, 2013 0

"Debt Doom Loop" in Spain; Deficit Target Impossible Once Again; Bond Rally Masks European Macro Problems

By News Desk

Bloomberg reports Draghi’s Bond Rally Masks Trapping Spain Debt Doom Loop . The bond rally has sent Spanish borrowing That costs to 10-month lows has distracted attention from the nation’s growing debt pile. Spain’s budget deficit probably exceeded 9 percent for a fourth year in 2012 as Europe ‘s highest unemployment rate, a third recession in four years and the cost of bailing out its banks offset almost all of the government’s 62 billion euros ($ 83 billion) of spending cuts and tax Increases, According To Economists at Societe Generale SA (GLE) , Lombard Street Research and the Madrid-based Applied Economic Research Foundation.

January 15, 2013 0

Key the extremes to their context

By News Desk

(via Climate Central .) I’m not sure yet what I think of Mark Kleiman’s post about how people always accept their side’s arguments on a position and assume a contrary argument means the arguer is on the other team.  I’m no fan of centrism-worship, or of contrarianism-for-its-own-sake.