"We Are Going To Kill The Dollar" Says Obama Senior Official; When, How, Asks Mish
See original article: "We Are Going To Kill The Dollar" Says Obama Senior Official; When, How, Asks Mish
Hard hitting global and local news
See original article: "We Are Going To Kill The Dollar" Says Obama Senior Official; When, How, Asks Mish
Iceland Wins! "Icesave" Lawsuit Dismissed, Court Orders EC and EFTA to Pay Costs Posted by Michael Shedlock at 12:09 PM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of sponsors or firms affiliated with the author(s)
Please consider L’austérité à la française: city sells prized wines . The city of Dijon has just sold off half of its prized municipal wine cellar to help fund local social spending – including a bottle of 1999 Burgundy knocked down at auction for €4,800 to a Chinese buyer. In total, the capital of the Burgundy region raised €151,620 from the “historic sale†of 3,500 bottles that were part of a collection built up since the 1960s, it announced in a statement on Monday
Taken from: Driverless cars, high speed rail, and climate comedy
Is UK Defense Contractor Planning Syrian WMD False Flag?
Bringing 21st Century coal to Newcastle. I mean, to China
Links NATO Terrorists in Syria Attack Kurdish Minority January 27, 2013 (LD) – The Western media and Western government representatives from the United States and across the European Union, still insist that the sectarian bloodbath unfolding in Syria, fueled by US, British and EU weapons and cash, is a so-called "pro-democracy" uprising.