China’s Economy Slows, Power Output Falls to Four-Month Low but Premier Upbeat on Economy; Enormous Headwinds
Please consider the New York Times article In China, a Power Struggle of a Different Order .
Hard hitting global and local news
Please consider the New York Times article In China, a Power Struggle of a Different Order .
Originally posted here: One climate adaptation in process for local water demand
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Repost: 2012 US Elections: Obamney vs. Rombama War, economic collapse, and personal devastation await Americans no matter who they vote for – and what we should do instead.
How to Waste a Trillion Dollars What America could have had for the cost of Lockheed Martin’s F-35. by Tony Cartalucci October 17, 2012 – Already possessing the largest, most advanced air force and air defense capability on the planet, the United States has recently developed at the cost of 323 billion dollars, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) produced by Lockheed Martin. It is the most expensive defense program in human history
See more here: US Admits Allies are Arming Al Qaeda in Syria – Began in 2007
Orwellian Nightmare or Technological Utopia?