Category: Uncategorized

October 31, 2012 0

Japan Manufacturing PMI Falls to 18-Month Low

By News Desk

Output and new orders both down at sharper rates Employment falls at fastest pace since July 2009 Average output charges pared to steepest degree since December 2009 Summary October’s PMI data indicated a further deterioration in the performance of the Japanese manufacturing sector. Orders and output both continued to fall during the month, while evidence of rising excess capacity led to a first reduction in employment for half a year. Manufacturers also intentionally cut back on their stock holdings as order books deteriorated and the outlook remained uncertain

October 30, 2012 0

670,000 Without Power in NYC; Flood Crests 13.88 Feet, Besting 1960 Record of 10.02 Feet; Wall Street Flooded

By News Desk

Please consider Hurricane Sandy’s Waters Flood Blacked-Out New York City . Hurricane Sandy sent floodwater gushing into New York’s five boroughs, submerging cars, tunnels and the subway system and plunging skyscrapers and neighborhoods into darkness. Two deaths were reported in Queens and more than 670,000 were without power in the region as of 11:30 p.m.

October 29, 2012 0

Eli Gets EMail

By News Desk

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