Category: Uncategorized

November 10, 2012 0

The Israeli Nightmare

By News Desk

Peace in Israel is the establishment’s worst nightmare.  an editorial by Tony Cartalucci November 10, 2012 – Israel is an excuse, a mandate, a perpetual casus belli, and both an ideological as well as literal beachhead in the Middle East. Created and propped up by the West, in particular the US and United Kingdom, it has served as the medium through which Western foreign policy flows in and out of the Arab, and to a greater extent, the Muslim World.

November 10, 2012 0

Hypocrisy: US Destroys Syria While Propping Up Cambodian Dictator

By News Desk

This was first exposed by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 2007 New Yorker report titled, " The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism? " In the report it specifically stated: "To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East.

November 10, 2012 0

French Central Bank Says France Will Enter Recession 4th Quarter; Berlin Suggests Plan For France

By News Desk

Courtesy of Google translate from El Economista , please consider France will enter recession in the fourth quarter, according to Bank of France . The Bank of France expects the country into recession later this year, to predict a fall in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 0.1% in the fourth quarter, the same percentage that fell in the previous three months. If confirmed, it would be the first recession in the French economy since the 2009 crisis.

November 10, 2012 0

Amazing Grace

By News Desk

Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional

November 9, 2012 0

Color Revolutions: Argentina Next?

By News Desk

Suspicion grows as Western criticism of Argentina’s nationalization and rebuffing of “rules of global finance” sharpens in tandem with street protests.  Tony Cartalucci Land Destroyer November 9, 2012 Western media agencies have begun enthusiastically covering demonstrations in Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires. CNN , AP , and the BBC have all covered the protests in equally vague terms, failing to identify the leaders and opposition groups behind them, while BBC in particular recycled “Arab Spring” rhetoric claiming that, “opposition activists used social networks to mobilise the march, which they said was one of the biggest anti-government protests in a decade.” The Western media claims the protesters are angry over, “rising inflation, high levels of crime and high-profile corruption cases,” all the identical, vague grievances brought into the streets by Wall Street-backed opposition groups in Venezuela