Author: News Desk

August 31, 2012 0

Raymond on Ryan and Romney

By News Desk

david lewis said… Is Eli headed for the slammer? Read the RNC thinly veiled attack on the integrity and motivation of climate scientists , as stated in the recently adopted RNC national platform: "We must restore scientific integrity to our public research institutions and remove political incentives from publicly funded research"These words appear on the America’s Natural Resources page which those interested in the potential fate of our chief, the Rabett, reach by clicking on a link on the 2012 Republican Platform homepage .The full 62 page " We Believe in America " pdf does not contain these words

August 30, 2012 0

France to Hire 150,000 Subsidized Workers With Zero Qualifications; Why Stop There?

By News Desk

Via Google Translate from El Economista, France will create 150,000 jobs for young people without qualifications The French Government has today adopted a draft law providing for the creation of 150,000 subsidized jobs for young people with little or no qualifications, which are most affected by unemployment and employability harder. The beneficiaries of these so called "jobs of tomorrow" will work for municipalities, hospitals, schools, social organizations, associations or, exceptionally, in private companies, and will receive a grant of up to 75% of their compensation.