Author: News Desk

September 6, 2012 0

Australia Department Store Sales Slump 10.2 Percent; Retail, Food Store Bankruptcies; Reflections on Housing and Commodities Bust

By News Desk

For details please see By 2015 Hard Commodity Prices Will Collapse; Australia’s Mining Boom Dies (and the Official Denials Start) Wrapping up the disaster in Australia, please see Michael Feller’s synopsis on Macro Investor Being a Bear is Not "unAustralian" . Peruse the Reserve Bank governor’s recent remarks to the senate or listen to the commentariat on talkback radio and it would seem that Australia’s economy has become victim of nothing more than an insidious rogue gloom-and-doomerism that threatens to hurt the nation, or worse. At its worst, this anti-half-glass-empty rhetoric smacks economic McCarthyism

September 5, 2012 0

Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"

By News Desk

Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study" Anti-organic "study" is not news, rather, coordinated propaganda campaign. by Tony Cartalucci   September 5, 2012 – Harry Wallop of the London Telegraph ends his anti-organic food editorial with the following sentence: "Tomorrow, the baby is going to get an extra dollop of pesticide-sprayed carrots." Whether or not Wallop is as brain-addled as he leads on to being, the point of his editorial is to encourage similar attitudes amongst the Telegraph’s readership, attempting to manipulate public perception in the wake of a recent Stanford University "study" regarding organic food. Image : Conflict of interest?