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Read More: Rolling Stone shows Romney’s elite twist in his poison pill
Via Google translate from Libre Mercardo please consider The VAT increase is the largest tax increase democracy . Each Spanish pay an average of 20.8% VAT, 369 per year, six days of extra work to comply with the Treasury.
Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study" Anti-organic "study" is not news, rather, coordinated propaganda campaign. by Tony Cartalucci  September 5, 2012 – Harry Wallop of the London Telegraph ends his anti-organic food editorial with the following sentence: "Tomorrow, the baby is going to get an extra dollop of pesticide-sprayed carrots." Whether or not Wallop is as brain-addled as he leads on to being, the point of his editorial is to encourage similar attitudes amongst the Telegraph’s readership, attempting to manipulate public perception in the wake of a recent Stanford University "study" regarding organic food. Image : Conflict of interest?
Originally posted here: UK Obsession With Regime Change Responsible for Syria Catastrophe
1 Key Points The PMIâ„¢ registered 49.6 percent, a decrease of 0.2 percentage point from July’s reading of 49.8 percent, indicating contraction in the manufacturing sector for the third consecutive month.