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Lies and More Lies: Another Look at Obama’s State of the Union Address Posted by Michael Shedlock at 7:05 PM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy
The consumer conference board says Consumer Confidence Index Improves in December .
The LA Times reports Beer Merger will not bring Budweiser, Miller Under Same Roof . The world’s two biggest beer makers will join forces to create a company that produces almost a third of the world’s beer
Spectrum reports Uber Could Be First to Test Completely Driverless Cars in Public Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has made no secret about wanting robots to replace human drivers in his rideshare service—and now he’s found somewhere to develop them. Last month, the governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, paved the way for the world’s first driverless taxis on public roads
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Tweet An old volcanologist by the name of Peter Ward is holding forth at various places on his theory of everything. Now Eli’s considered judgement is that, as Walter Hannah puts it "His Theory Is Garbage". But as Ray Pierrehumbert said some garbage is more amusing than others, mostly because it exposes things that have to be explained to the naive, and occasionally because the mistake is subtle enough to deepen Eli’s own thoughts about this and that. Hannah (and Eli) spot the G&T, a common mistake amongst phenominologists Greenhouse warming theory also assumes that the heated air radiates energy back to Earth’s surface, and that this return flow of heat energy warms Earth.
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The Wall Street Journal reports Turkey Blames Islamic State in Istanbul Attack .