2015 GISS temp anomaly is .87C, massive record
Excerpt from: 2015 GISS temp anomaly is .87C, massive record
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Excerpt from: 2015 GISS temp anomaly is .87C, massive record
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This revelation came from the Asian Financial Forum held in Hong Kong where Bernanke Downplayed China Impact on World Economy .
View article: Mexico Central Bank Warns of "Potentially Severe Shock" Caused by Credit Crunch, Seeks Emerging Market "Buyer of Last…
See original article: What to say. Bob Carter, 1942-2016.
Tweet Eli and Tamino have posted about the obvious long time deviation of the lower troposphere satellite temperature records often called TLT. Eli and Steve Mosher, with friends and cynics have been doing a dosy do at ATTP and Rank Exploits .
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Italian Banks Hammered; Bad Loans Hit €201 Billion; End of Draghi PUT; Get Out Now! Italian Banks Hammered Things don’t matter until they do. For whatever reason, things in Europe are starting to matter
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