Daily Horoscope: December 3, 2023
December 2, 2023Surprising ideas and impulses could wake us from our slumber as the moon in Leo clashes with Uranus in Taurus at 3:13 AM. Discussions about fairness and ultimatums may arise as Venus in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn at 8:29 AM, encouraging us to emulate the people that model true kindness and patience, and let go of fear-based, control-seeking behaviors. Seeing various sides of a situation comes easier once the moon and Venus link up at 9:11 PM. We’re more likely to adopt a polite and modest stance in communications once the moon enters Virgo at 10:50 PM. We’re eager to offer practical solutions and tangible hands-on support now.
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for December!
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
A transformative experience could be underway in your partnerships, both personal and professional, as Venus in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn. Discussions about fairness and putting oneself in the other’s shoes might need to be had. Keeping up with your dedicated rituals and routines can help you feel grounded and prepared for shifting commitments and responsibilities you might be anticipating as the moon enters Virgo.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
You might feel like it’s time to make some lifestyle adjustments and embrace the philosophy that life is short as your ruling planet Venus in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn. This is the time to recognize and re-engage with whatever work, ideology, or sense of purpose you might have unintentionally fallen out of relationship with along your journey.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
There could be a palpable push-pull dynamic surrounding a labor of love or an actual romance as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, reminding you that sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for long-term development of what you wish to protect. If you’re a parent or guardian, this could be a time when you’re invited to step back from power struggles and do what you can to encourage collaboration instead of pulling your hair out when you’re at an impasse. With Venus in the creative area of your chart, this would be an ideal time to intentionally bring more play into the mix to engender trust, security, and compromise.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
Awareness of your attachment stance could be a trusty guide while you navigate some potentially messy interpersonal dynamics as the planet of love, Venus in Libra, clashes with the planet of the underworld, Pluto in Capricorn. A longing for proximity and depth in your relationships may arise now, encouraging you to reflect on your perception and experience of distance or space from those you share your life with (such as family or partners). What’s the sensation or interpretation you notice within you when boundaries are presented or someone pulls away, and what do you wish to offer yourself in those moments? It’s a process, dear Cancer. Trust the inner voice that remembers you are loved and lovable, regardless of the fears your inner child might be harboring.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
You might be prompted to think more deeply about the way you communicate and show up to your everyday life as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. Be mindful of stress-driven grabs for control and passive aggressive words. Discussions about your attitude may arise, and people are more likely to use that specific noun as a pejorative against you if you’re unwilling or unable to approach conversations with loving integrity. It happens to us all now and then! If that’s the case, it might help to take some time to yourself, journal out your unfiltered thoughts, go for a walk, and try again when you have the capacity to solve problems collaboratively.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
You might feel like you absolutely can’t live without a specific item, experience, or feeling on your wishlist as the planet of love and money, Venus in Libra, clashes with the planet of the underworld, Pluto in Capricorn. With the moon also entering your sign, you may witness yourself identifying with your object of desire; but this could be quite a creative and enlightening moment if you’re willing to track these sensations more deeply and explore the origins of your pleasurable experiences. You might think of it like a nesting doll toy. Each doll contains a smaller, and more charming gift inside. What’s left after you strip away each layer of desire? What is that powerful feeling that’s seizing your attention? Could you stay with that for a bit longer?

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
Committing to your deep inner personal work can be a rewarding process as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a period of physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation, encouraging you not to collapse or fawn away from your challenges when things get messy. Be forward and generous with your love, as you’re known to be, and stand your ground while you do it. These actions can coexist and you might be one of the most capable of demonstrating what that looks like, dear Libra.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
Power dynamics are on your mind as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. You could reach some striking realizations about the ways you communicate, or the ways you hold back. Secrets might be revealed now. It would be ideal if you have someone to confide in as vulnerabilities arise and you’re feeling more protective than usual. If you’re feeling less tolerant to people’s messy, immature behaviors, you might want to steer clear of social media or sensational news outlets until you don’t feel like reflexively doing or saying something regretful. Then again, this might be the time when you say “enough is enough” and get real about the elephant in the room.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
Do you know what you really want and why you want it, Sagittarius? Value judgments could arise within your social circle as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you to maintain boundaries and avoid seeking validation from hyped-up trends that have no regard for your personal priorities and true desires. The moon enters Virgo, nudging you to follow the path that feels worthwhile to you and the people or purpose you intend to serve.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Thoughts about your career path and the person you’re evolving into surface as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. You might feel tempted (or pressured) to take on a commitment or project that conflicts with your own process of becoming for the sake of maintaining professional relationships. If you’re feeling unsure, consider getting your ideas on paper—it could even be through imagery—or seek out a good listener who can help you reflect on the choices and possibilities that feel right to you.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
Feelings of isolation might get the best of you, allowing your inner critic to be a bit of a bully as the planet of love and justice, Venus in Libra, clashes with the planet of the underworld, Pluto in Capricorn. Realizations about why you’ve idealized traveling abroad (perhaps on a one-way ticket) or adopting a lifestyle that’s completely counterculture could surface, revealing the accumulated gravity of unfulfilled desires and needs. Listen to your longings for connection and equilibrium and seek out the spaces that remind you that even if there’s distance between you, you’re not alone.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
Discussions about boundaries could arise in your partnerships or social circle as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you to stand firmly in your “no” or accept that it might be time to let certain relationships go. Ultimatums might be thrown around or you could realize you’re ready to relieve yourself from unfair sacrifices to prove your allegiance or competency, in which case, good for you! Your worthiness is not something that needs defending or justification.