Weekly Horoscope: April 3 – 9

April 2, 2023 Off By Randon Rosenbohm

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters grounded Taurus at 12:22 AM on Monday, April 3, and the pacing of conversations is likely to cool down. Singing and poetry become apt methods of self expression. Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto at 2:55 AM, and information is decoded, or secrets unleashed.

Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn on Wednesday, April 5, at 12:20 PM: Strategy and focus are benefited by this aspect. We’re sticking to the plan!

The full moon in Libra falls on Thursday, April 6, at 12:34 AM: Full moons are times of release and realizations! The sign of Libra is about relating and compromise. Self-actualization paradoxically never happens alone.

We’re welcome to give into romantic fantasies as Venus, the planet of love, gently connects with dreamy Neptune on Friday, April 7, at 1:58 PM. There’s a whimsical, creative vibe in the air. We’re able to talk about conflicts and problems in a way that is gentle, considerate, and deliberate as Mercury gently connects with warrior Mars at 2:28 AM on Saturday, April 8.

All times ET.

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Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023

The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of relationships, asking you to balance your relationships to other people. This full moon can represent an emotional breakthrough in how you relate to others. Relationships may crystalize in a meaningful, material way. Under the visible light of the full moon, you can fully see the role that you play in other people’s lives. There’s an understanding of your energies and an ability to express your will as Mercury connects with your planetary ruler, Mars. Mars’s current transit through your chart’s domestic sector can find you chilling in a restful, private place. Mercury may be asking you to invest more time or money in your own living space and ability to take rest.

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023

Messenger Mercury enters your sign, grounding you in your ability to understand and express yourself. You’re defining yourself! Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, compelling you to investigate authority. Who is the boss, and what power do they have over you? Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, which can help you focus on your future goals and plans. The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of work and health, asking you to balance your relationship to your job and lifestyle. Your planetary ruler Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, calling you to channel ethereal vibes through your social life. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, giving you the gift of clearly and concisely expressing your ideas.

Gemini glyph

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023

Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into your chart’s house of secrets, grounding you in your ability to maintain a sense of mystery and wonder. Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, which can push you to investigate systems of belief and morality. Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, which can help you focus on your vocation, and what you want to dedicate yourself to serving. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of pleasure and friendships, showing how you fulfill your social and creative needs. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal vibes around how you live out your dreams. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, giving you the ability to express your motivations in money and politics.

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023

The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of home and family, asking you to balance your relationship to where you find rest. Work-life balance, as cliché as it sounds, is a theme of this lunation. Aries season is an active time in your career, putting you out in the world! The full moon brings these projects to a head, and may find you tending to your roots and the support structures that make these big projects possible. Mercury, the planet of communication, gently connects with action planet Mars, which is currently in your sign. You have extra strength and gas to make your dreams a reality! Take the opportunity to reach out to people in your network who can help you fight your battles.

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023

Messenger Mercury moves into your chart’s house of career and public reputation, reviving conversations about the role that you are meant to play in the public eye. Your title and namesake are up for discussion. Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, compelling you to investigate how you define your relationships. You might be confronting typically unspoken power dynamics. Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, helping you focus on shared responsibilities and funding. The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of communication, bringing important conversations to a climax. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal vibes around how you invest in your dream job. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, giving you the ability to conceal any rough edges smoothly and gracefully.

Virgo glyph

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023

Your planetary ruler Mercury moves into your chart’s house of higher learning, which can have you grounding yourself in your beliefs and general outlook. Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, compelling you to investigate your lifestyle and daily habits. Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, helping you focus on your interpersonal responsibilities and how they’re communicated. The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of personal resources, asking you to bring balance to your relationship to the material world. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal, romantic vibes around a shared vision and understanding. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, which could encourage the curiosity to investigate alternate paths toward your vision for the future.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023

The full moon in your sign brings realizations about your identity and personal reality, asking you to find grounding in your relationship with yourself. Libras often focus on relationships. Aries season especially activates your chart’s relationships sector, but it takes two to tango! Oneself is always implied in relationships. This full moon makes your position and autonomy clear. Your planetary ruler Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, helping you channel ethereal vibes in your committed relationships—your mind can easily wander. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, providing the ability to express your motivations in your career and public legacy. You might be more willing to help other people build something together, seeking a well-planned, but unconventional path to greatness.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023

Messenger Mercury moves into your chart’s house of partnerships, beginning defining conversations on interpersonal dynamics. Other people are an open book! Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, compelling you to investigate relationship dynamics inherited from an ancestral lineage. Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, bolstering you to focus on boundaries in friendships and love affairs. You can take your creative and social collaborations seriously. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of secrets, which can bring unspoken details to light. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal, fantastical vibes in your love life. There’s an ability to express your will as Mercury connects with your planetary ruler Mars, helping you find common ground.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023

Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, supporting your focus on private affairs with a clear, objective strategy. You’re able to get a lot done right now. Power through things that are extremely boring or tedious—you have a stubborn discipline to harness. The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, which could find you ready to celebrate the completion of a major goal! Take time to celebrate your accomplishments, or to simply celebrate. It’s a social one! Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal vibes around your work and home life. Finding the time to explore your emotions and spirituality in your busy day is welcome under this aspect.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024

The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of career and public reputation, asking you to balance your public and private lives. Maybe you’re ready to share personal news with the world. You’re in control over what details become public knowledge! Whatever is being shared with the world will be graceful and tactful. There’s a lot happening at home during Aries season, and maybe the full moon means you’re ready to tell people about it. Mercury, the planet of communication, gently connects with action planet Mars, giving you the ability to express your motivations in your romantic and platonic relationships. This aspect can point to feeling out touchy conversations like "what are we” and “where are we heading?”

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023

Messenger Mercury moves into your chart’s house of home and family, bringing new perspectives and details to conversations about your domestic life. You can plant your feet firmly on the ground now, finding a sturdier stance. However, you might sense an overhaul. Mercury clashes with power planet Pluto, compelling you to investigate the ways your life can transform, or experience rebirth. You might want to find ways to be both flexible and strong in your sense of identity. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal vibes at home. Get curious about crafts and recipes. Mercury gently connects with action planet Mars, giving you the ability to express your motivations with your health and lifestyle.

Pisces glyph

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023

Mercury gently connects with serious Saturn, helping you focus on your own inner monologue. You can get your thoughts nice and organized now. Compartmentalizing is a talent to tap into, one to harness under this sky. The Libra full moon illuminates your chart’s house of shared resources, asking you to settle the score. You can be feeling extra generous, or desiring some love and respect—or money—in return for all that you share. This can be a transformative moment too, a sign of endings. Love planet Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune, inspiring ethereal vibes in how you express yourself. While you’ve compartmentalized your thoughts, you’re still able to maintain a sense of glamour and softness.