Daily Horoscope: August 29, 2022
August 28, 2022The moon enters Libra at 5:45 AM, inspiring a friendly atmosphere, and encouraging connection and creativity. The moon meets Mercury in Libra at 12:10 PM, bringing an especially chatty energy. The moon connects with Mars in Gemini at 3:50 PM, encouraging strength, wit, and willpower. Be careful not to over-indulge as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries at 7:00 PM.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2022 - April 19, 2022
Your focus may turn to partnership today as the moon enters Libra. This could be a lovely time to connect with people, and as the moon makes a helpful connection with your ruling planet Mars, now in Gemini, exciting discussions can take place.

Taurus: April 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022
The moon enters Libra today, which could find you feeling inspired to get reorganized. You may be rearranging your schedule, sprucing up your workspace, or reflecting on your daily routines and habits.

Gemini: May 20, 2022 - June 21, 2022
The moon enters fellow air sign Libra today, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! The moon meets your ruling planet Mercury, also in Libra, which can inspire an especially flirtatious or chatty atmosphere!

Cancer: June 21, 2022 - July 22, 2022
Your astrological ruler, the moon, enters Libra today, which may bring your focus to your home and family life. New conversations about these themes begin as the moon meets Mercury, also currently in Libra.

Leo: July 22, 2022 - August 22, 2022
The moon enters charming air sign Libra, activating the communication sector of your chart, and the mood is especially chatty as the moon meets messenger planet Mercury in Libra. You might be very busy connecting with your neighbors and local community at this time@

Virgo: August 22, 2022 - September 22, 2022
Your focus may turn to finances today as the moon enters Libra. Discussions about money, a new budget, or a new approach to wealth or security can be explored as the moon meets your ruling planet Mercury, also in Libra.

Libra: September 22, 2022 - October 23, 2022
The moon enters your sign today, Libra, encouraging you to connect with your feelings! It can be a powerful time to discuss your emotions as the moon meets communication planet Mercury, which is also currently in your sign.

Scorpio: October 23, 2022 - November 22, 2022
The moon enters Libra today, encouraging you to slow down and rest. The moon connects with your ruling planet Mars, currently in Gemini, helping you cut ties with the past. Ot’s a powerful time to resolve longstanding issues and move forward!

Sagittarius: November 22, 2022 - December 21, 2022
Your focus turns to your social life today, Sagittarius, as the moon enters Libra: This is an exciting time to make friends and connect with groups that share your interests. The moon also opposes your ruling planet Jupiter, which is now in fellow fire sign Aries, inspiring plenty of fun and romance…just try not to over-indulge!

Capricorn: December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022
The moon enters Libra today, Capricorn, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career, and exciting new discussions about your professional goals, future plans, and past successes can take place.

Aquarius: January 19, 2022 - February 18, 2022
The moon enters fellow air sign Libra today, which could bring exciting opportunities your way. New discoveries and discussions may take place as the moon meets messenger planet Mercury, which is also in Libra.

Pisces: February 18, 2022 - March 20, 2022
The moon enters Libra today, which could find you and your partners, in love or business, having serious discussions about money and shared resources. The moon opposes your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Aries: Be careful not to over-commit!