Weekly Horoscope: June 16 – June 22
June 16, 2024This week marks the start of Cancer season, welcomed by a full Moon by the weekend. During this time, emotions will be more tangible than usual. Prepare for big feelings, both good and bad. Communication, love, and finances are most likely to be affected as Mercury and Venus fly through Cancer as the Moon reaches fullness.
The Sun and the Moon also face off this weekend, causing us to look for balance between our internal and external selves. It will be all the more critical to trust your instincts and avoid distracting daydreams or delusions. Cancer’s heightened emotional state will already make things a bit more complex, so there’s no need to complicate things further by reacting to your imagination over reality.
How will your sign fare this week?

Aries: March 19 - April 19
No matter how beneficial it might be in the long run, letting go of parts of ourselves or our pasts is never a cut-and-dry process. Give yourself room to grieve what once was as you continue to move forward. The negative emotions you’re experiencing don’t necessarily mean you’ve made a mistake by releasing old habits, relationships, or beliefs.
Feeling sadness, anger, or a complex mixture of both is normal during this process. Allow your mind and heart to experience these feelings without pushing them away or denying yourself the experience. You don’t have to succumb to the emotions, but ignoring them will only cause them to fester and pop up in unexpected interactions or perspectives elsewhere.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Just because you can tolerate a certain dynamic or treatment doesn’t mean you should. You don’t deserve to be stuck with situations you can merely survive. On the contrary, Taurus, you have every right to seek out the relationships, environments, and other personal pursuits where you can thrive. The stars are urging you to prioritize yourself for once.
This internal struggle will come to a head later in the week when your ruling planet, Venus, forms a tense square with dreamy (to a fault) Neptune and a harmonious trine with Haumea retrograde, which is currently encouraging us to advocate for ourselves. Don’t let your stubborn nature convince you that you can’t walk away.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Your social butterfly tendencies have caused you to prioritize quantity over quality in your friendships, and the cosmos are urging you to consider switching to the latter. What’s the point of cultivating a massive circle of acquaintances if most are fair-weather friends? When the storms inevitably arrive, you’ll want people who are strong enough to stick around.
Conversely, perhaps it’s time to consider what kind of friend you’ve been to those around you. Our relationships tend to act as mirrors that reflect our tendencies. Could you be perpetuating the same nagging concerns you’re feeling toward others? The best relationship maintenance often starts from within, Gemini.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Contrary to what anxiety likes to tell you, unpredictability doesn’t always beget disaster. This week, a waxing Moon opposes two powerful planets—Jupiter and Uranus—one right after another. During this time, matters of the heart might get a little chaotic and unexpected. However, take solace in the helpful energy of nearby Jupiter, which promotes prosperity and success.
You won’t be able to plan for every possible scenario that may or may not befall you, Cancer. The alternative—and, realistically, the only way not to fall into toxic ruminations about the future—is to focus on being flexible, not on being one hundred percent prepared. Your malleability will help offset any bumps in the road you might encounter.

Leo: July 23 - August 22
Temporary gratification is nice, but long-term satisfaction is better. Be wary of new and shiny relationships’ ability to blind us to the stability and comfort of our longer-lasting bonds. The people worth keeping around are the ones who have shown you time and time again that they’re willing to do so, even when—especially when—the going gets tough.
Your pride makes you incredibly susceptible to flattery, Leo. While accepting a compliment from a stranger or acquaintance now and then is certainly acceptable, you mustn’t let the few butterflies you get from this flattery make you forget who has been supporting you since day one. Rest assured, the fleeting compliments will disappear as quickly as they arrived.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22
The universe has dealt you a hand, and it’s time for you to play those cards, Virgo. No more asking the dealer for another draw, no more trading them out—you know the reality that awaits you, and all that’s left to do now is confront it. And while this might seem disheartening at first, this acceptance will eventually turn into a net positive.
Think about it. The longer you put off accepting the facts of this situation, the longer you delay sitting down to solve this problem. Once you get the hard part of acknowledging the challenge out of the way, you’re one step closer to tackling the hurdle once and for all. Ignorance is not always bliss, and this is undoubtedly one of those times where clarity is critical.

Libra: September 23 - October 22
The ironic fact about chronic people-pleasing is that the longer you do it, the more likely it is that your suppressed emotions will pop out and, well, not please people. Letting people down is disappointing, yes. It’s normal for you to feel that way. But isn’t blowing up out of the blue because you’ve been holding in your real emotions for months (or years) even worse?
You have to meet people where they’re at, but the same goes for you. If you know in your heart of hearts that you want to say no, then say it. You don’t have to reject the other person callously. But the stars urge you to be honest about your emotions and headspace. If these people are worth being in your life, then they’ll be glad that you spoke your truth.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Don’t underestimate your internal compass’ ability to navigate you in even the murkiest of uncharted territory. The specifics of your present situation might be different, but the approach remains the same. By staying true to your moral principles and speaking with honesty and kindness, you’ll be able to find your way out of the mire sooner than you think.
Few things are ever truly novel. Chances are you’ve dealt with this problem a million times before with slight variations. Use your experiences and intuition to your advantage. You’re far better equipped to handle this than you’re giving yourself credit for, Scorpio. You’ll likely be surprised just how reliable you can really be for yourself.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
The stars indicate a serious need for open discussion this week, and luckily, it looks like you have some significant cosmic energy backing you up. An almost full Moon directly opposes your ruling planet, Jupiter, in the 3rd House of Communication and 9th House of Philosophy, respectively, toward the end of the week. Meanwhile, Jupiter forms a trine with Makemake.
The biggest players in this cosmic alignment have to do with our ways of thinking, how we express these perspectives to those around us, and how the combination of these two elements helps us change our environments for the positive and negative, depending on the actions we take. Open yourself up to the possibility of having your mind changed, Sag.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
The routine communication familiar relationships fall into can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it can make honest discussions a bit easier when you know what to expect from the other person, generally speaking. On the other hand, this type of autopilot communication can make it easy to miss small red flags until they’re unavoidable issues.
The stars urge you to dive a bit deeper into your relationships this week. Instead of assuming that everything is alright between you and a loved one, try digging in to confirm that. If there’s no problem, then great! You have nothing to worry about. But on the off chance either one of you is letting something fester, then it’s better to nip this issue in the bud now.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Normalcy isn’t a death knell for creativity, Aquarius. Rather than running away from something or someone as soon as it starts to feel familiar, why not lean into it a little bit harder? After all, if your default is to have no default, then trying on a new daily dynamic for size could be enough of a change to satiate your evolution cravings while also maintaining some stability.
All of us can stand to benefit from a bit of familiarity and solid ground. Your urge to explore the unknown is admirable, but don’t let yourself miss out on the opportunities to grow, learn, and engage close to home. Indeed, even our comfort zones have the capacity to surprise us if we allow ourselves to look hard enough.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Your cosmic alignment this week indicates a high-risk level for emotional manipulation — both good and bad. Be cautious around any specific emotion that feels particularly big. As the full Moon forms a challenging square with your ruling planet, Neptune, toward the end of the week, interpersonal dynamics are liable to get a little hairy.
Feelings of romance might blossom into codependent attachment. Disappointment could fester into downright melancholy. By all means, allow yourself to experience the feelings as they arrive. But try to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground so that you can protect yourself from spiraling into depressive lows or manic highs in the process.