Daily Horoscope: February 23, 2024
February 22, 2024Things feel more open to interpretation as Mercury enters Pisces at 2:29 AM. We’re especially interested in philosophical and spiritually-oriented conversations during this time. We might be having more discussions about what is and isn’t real when it comes to technology and its influence on the ways we communicate. There’s bound to be lots of distractions under this transit, too!
We want more details, scoping things out through a magnifying glass, as the moon enters Virgo and opposes Mercury at 8:38 PM and 11:52 PM, respectively. We might need to do more research or consider things from various angles before feeling comfortable enough to believe what we see or hear.
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for February!
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Aries: March 19, 2024 - April 19, 2024
A desire for more solitude could arise as Mercury enters Pisces, inviting you to prioritize a daily meditation practice or let your mind and senses rest from outside stimulation. You might try reducing distractions and focusing on work and self-care as the moon enters Virgo and opposes Mercury. You may also feel called to start saving money for a rainy day.

Taurus: April 19, 2024 - May 20, 2024
You could be finding more opportunities to socialize and pursue your aspirations as Mercury enters Pisces. Invitations to network or join a different social circle may arise, and you might entertain yourself with ideas about a passion you want to follow as the moon enters Virgo and opposes Mercury. Your friends might be asking you to come along for some type of journey, too.

Gemini: May 20, 2024 - June 20, 2024
Announcements or news about your career and life’s direction might be shared as your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters Pisces today. You could reveal something you’ve been working on behind the scenes or bring conversations you’ve been contemplating to the public. Discussions about your private and family life may also arise in a more public way, or you might be contending with some pivotal role changes in your life that are becoming more visible to the rest of the world as the moon in Virgo faces off with Mercury.

Cancer: June 20, 2024 - July 22, 2024
A dream vacation or a hope for the future is coming into sharper focus as Mercury enters Pisces today. Time spent with a spiritual community can reshape your perspectives in the coming weeks, or perhaps you’re joining a social group that supports your growth in an academic or political way.

Leo: July 22, 2024 - August 22, 2024
Discussions about finances and shared resources are coming into focus over the next few weeks as Mercury enters Pisces. It might be time to renegotiate some contracts and you’ll be more focused on getting taxes sorted during this time.

Virgo: August 22, 2024 - September 22, 2024
Opportunities to connect with new faces (and places) could arise over the next few weeks as your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters Pisces. Philosophical conversations could come up in your relationships or you might discuss trying something different with partners. You can learn something insightful about the way you communicate with those closest to you as the moon in your sign, Virgo, also opposes Mercury today.

Libra: September 22, 2024 - October 22, 2024
You may be reorganizing your day-to-day routines, focusing more on your health and the habits that need to be changed or reinforced as Mercury enters Pisces. The perspective that health is a worthwhile responsibility could be on your mind. You might be paying more attention to your sleep hygiene and sense of spiritual wellbeing as the moon in Virgo also opposes Mercury today. What can you do to unburden your mind and let yourself get some proper shuteye?

Scorpio: October 22, 2024 - November 21, 2024
You could find yourself making more space and time for the things that bring you joy, with the people you love, as Mercury enters Pisces today. You might enjoy entertainment that lights up your sense of romance or you may express what your partners mean to you in a very big way over the coming weeks. Social ties with people who share your interests can also come into focus as the moon in Virgo opposes Mercury.

Sagittarius: November 21, 2024 - December 21, 2024
You can feel inspired to reorganize your home and your life, from the inside-out, as Mercury enters Pisces. It might need to get a bit messy before things can make sense though! This is an opportune time to interview your family for details on your inherited health constitution and unfinished business passed down by your ancestors.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Mercury enters Pisces, inviting you to find your voice and express yourself in big and embodied ways! You might be thinking more about the impact your mode of communication has on children and youth during the next few weeks or you may feel called to heal your inner child through writing, art, and other forms of joy. Plans for travel or educational pursuits could also arise as the moon in Virgo opposes Mercury today.

Aquarius: January 20, 2024 - February 18, 2024
Budgeting and financial organization comes up for discussion as Mercury enters Pisces. The dreams you have for your home and family are inspiring you to project, and make better sense of, the numbers coming in and out of your bank account over the next several months. Taxes might be top of mind as the moon in Virgo also opposes Mercury today.

Pisces: February 18, 2024 - March 19, 2024
You’re more open to expressing yourself and sharing what’s on your mind as Mercury enters your sign, Pisces. You can help people make sense of information that might otherwise feel too broad, abstract, or foreign to understand. Perhaps you’ll find yourself traveling more in the coming weeks, too. Partners can help expand on your ideas or share something touching as the moon in Virgo also opposes Mercury today.