Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, February 2024

January 20, 2024 Off By Randon Rosenbohm

Aquarius season, which began on January 20, finds you focused on what you have. This can mean your money, your sense of self worth, or your awareness of time limitations.

You’re more empathetic and sensitive as messenger Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune on February 2: Your awareness of the emotional world helps you articulate yourself in a way that is caring and compassionate. You can talk about your own feelings or impressions more easily.

On February 5, Mercury enters your chart’s house of finances, helping you et organized and measured when it comes to your budget. Get to know what you have: Friendships, social connections, and your time management skills are all powerful resources. 

You gain a new understanding of wealth as Mercury meets with Pluto in your financial sector for the first time, also on February 5. You can do bookkeeping with a magnifying glass, and get a thorough understanding of your resources, and the most powerful way to trade.

You are in the mood to branch out on February 7 when love planet Venus harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprises. You might be eager to try something different in your sex and social lives. This can also be an interesting time for your artistic practice, if you’re creatively inclined! A strong improvisational pull arrives as action planet Mars connects with dreamy Neptune, also on February 7. You’re able to channel something divinely inspired. Your intuition is based on your own sensitive, emotional impressions.

You have the vision, and are investing in something off the beaten path on February 8 as the sun squares off with Uranus, the planet of surprises. This could be a time to throw yourself into your hobbies or niche. If you have children in your life this could also symbolize a need to take care of issues in your child’s life, to bring them order and support.

The new moon falls on February 8 in your chart’s financial sector, and there’s a lot of uncertainty with money matters. You’re looking at new technology, the modern world, and the uncontrolled direction that things are heading. There are some unexpected changes unfolding in the world—like new technology, revolutions—and you need to find stability or security in spite of them.

You’re spending money in a way that feels right to you on February 10 as Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. This is a time to invest in what makes you happy: your creative ideas, your children, your social life. Your dynamic around money and spending changes in good faith.

You could start feeling some heat or agitation with financial matters when warrior Mars enters your chart’s financial sector on February 13. Attitudes about money, which come from your childhood and give you motivation to keep trucking into the future, are coming up for you to channel objectively, rationally, and responsibly. 

You might be driven to indulge in something sensual, artistic, and sentimental! You’re in the mood for romance and whimsy when Venus connects with Neptune, also on February 13.

Money becomes a major motivator on February 14 when action planet Mars meets with power planet Pluto, signifying aggression and ideological determination. Money is an extremely loaded and powerful topic. You might be objective or logical about things, which could lack charity and compassion.

You’re able to smooth over whatever got too heated as Venus enters Aquarius on February 16, bringing more harmony and peace to conversations about finances. You’re looking at money through the lens of modern life as Mercury clashes with Uranus, stirring up chats about financial dynamics in friendships, child rearing, and dating, on February 16. You might be changing how you understand money in these areas of life.

Your relationship to the material world is transformed on February 17 as Venus meets with Pluto. Use this day to get to the heart of what matters most to you, and the real value and worth of your money. A brutal confrontation of your own financial fears can help you develop the next steps in your career and sense of happiness.

You’re thinking about the place where you live, your city and town, as Pisces season begins on February 19. This can also be a time of intellectual curiosity. It’s an ideal opportunity to go to the library and get some research done, or to connect with your own inner voice.

You’re defending your worth as Venus meets with Mars on February 22. This brings a sense of excitement and creative energy that motivates you to reach your goals, make your mark, and share your winnings with your friends and family!

There are plenty of errands to run and conversations to mediate when Mercury enters your chart’s house of commuting and communication on February 23. Connecting with folks in your neighborhood and city can present opportunities for work, or even introduce you to people you can hire. During this transit, you may be planning day trips, learning a new language, or simply figuring out the skills you have that can support your work.

On February 24, there’s a full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo, which illuminates your chart’s house of higher thinking and education. There’s been plenty of discernment and contemplation over the past few months, and this full moon represents a moment of putting your ideas out into the world, and making your thoughts public. You might be announcing or revealing a creative project, a relationship, or even a child as Venus clashes with generous Jupiter on this day. Feelings will be over-articulated and rationalized.

You’re ambitiously putting your resources into what you think is righteous and good on February 27, when Mars clashes with Jupiter. You’re willing to invest in something that you can believe in.

You’re sharing your thoughts with clarity on February 28 as Mercury meets the sun, revealing information. Conversations are becoming more defined. Look out for ultimatums as Mercury meets serious Saturn that same day. You might be sharing your boundaries or illuminating your own personal wisdom and experience. The sun meets with Saturn on that day, which brings a moment of pure honesty—you might be feeling vulnerable and having a real talk on this day. 

You’re optimistic about the conversation that’s unfolding, and there’s some levity and humor despite any sobering moments. You’ll be feeling better already on February 29, when Mercury connects with lucky Jupiter.

Good luck, Capricorn, and see you in March!