Weekly Horoscope: December 25 – 31
December 24, 2023A lovely, creative, psychedelic harmony between Venus and Neptune heightens the senses, especially the sixth one, on Monday, December 25, at 12:14 PM.
The full moon in Cancer falls on Tuesday, December 26, at 7:33 PM, bringing a cozy and domestic mood. Chill, peaceful vibes flow effortlessly as the sun harmonizes with optimistic Jupiter on Wednesday, December 27, at 10:28 PM.
Look out for fighting words, political or religious zealousness, and just blurting out the first embarrassing thing that comes to mind as Mercury (still retrograde) meets with Mars at 7:31 PM. This could spell out abrasive language or challenging thoughts.
Inspired forms are forged as Mars clashes with Neptune at 5:15 PM—a fine and flexible aspect for improvisation or creative motions. Deep wounds can be healed or relieved as Venus in Scorpio connects with power planet Pluto at 1:00 AM on Friday, December 29, an aspect for deep intimacy and connection through vulnerability.
Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Friday, December 29, at 3:23 PM and a sense of silliness or levity can be felt. Jupiter, the planet of spirituality and philosophy, ends its retrograde on Saturday, December 30, at 9:40 PM.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The nostalgic full moon in Cancer illuminates your chart’s house of home and family, connecting you to your roots. Your sense of shelter and personal history is illuminated. Confidence in your ability to provide for yourself and live out your legacy is effortless as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter, boosting your ego and belief in yourself. Some tricky, passionate, religious, academic, or ideological debates come up as Mercury retrograde meets with your planetary ruler, Mars. You might not have the facts to back it up, but you just know. Your intuition is strong and divinely inspired as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. Intimacy and trust is strengthened as Venus connects with power planet Pluto, enabling healing and emotional transformation.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
Peaceful, romantic vibes come easily as your planetary ruler, Venus, harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. Emotional connection and empathy flows. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of communication, bringing conversations to a peak. You’re ready to listen to ideas and maybe even write them down. Your connection to your beliefs and spirituality is strengthened as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter. Venus connects with power planet Pluto, building trust in your relationships. Secrets can be shared. Venus enters your chart’s house of shared resources, which can mean financial and emotional growth over the coming weeks. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your sign, emphasizing your greatness and success.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
Soothing vibes come as love planet Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, giving you a little relief or happy distraction from your daily hustle. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of money and personal resources, showing you what you have to be thankful for. Relationship talks are agitated and impassioned as your planetary ruler, Mercury, meets with action planet Mars. You might end up talking your way out of something said impulsively. Your partners inspire you to go with the flow as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. Venus enters your chart’s house of partnerships, bringing interpersonal harmony. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in a spiritual and metaphysical sector of your chart, which can emphasize a sense of synchronicity.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
The full moon in your sign illuminates your chart’s relationship axis, revealing how you feel about your relationships and interpersonal dynamics. This might be a moment when you are seeing relationships for what they are, things are brought to a head, and ready to move forward with this insight or feeling. The sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter, giving you hope and confidence in the future. Deep intimate or romantic connections are possible as Venus connects with power planet Pluto, intensifying trust and desire. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, emphasizing your success. Celebrate your achievements, and the ground you’ve covered.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
Family relationships can get confusing or hazy as Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. Forgiveness and an ability to dissolve or detach from emotional pain flows. The full moon illuminates a sector of your chart relating to your mental health, which can find you wanting more privacy or alone time. Your accomplishments and career or family legacy bring you happiness as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter. You are sensitive to complicated power dynamics as Venus connects with power planet Pluto, you feel out your place within them. Jupiter, the planet of success, ends its retrograde in the most visible sector of your chart. Even if you’re dealing with complicated feelings, people far and wide recognize your greatness and accomplishments.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
Empathy is deepened as love planet Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, giving you a sense of intuition and psychic connection. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, seeing some of your goals come to life. You might feel a little sassy or bombastic as your planetary ruler, Mercury, meets with action planet Mars, creating drama at home. You can feel like hiding or performing as someone else as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. Venus enters your chart’s house of home and family, seeking harmony in domestic relationships. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of travel and higher knowledge, emphasizing everything you’ve learned through your studies or worldliness.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
You’re able to let go of a sense of materialism as planetary ruler, Venus, harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of public legacy and career. This is not without acknowledging all of the people who have supported you since day one. The sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter, making it easier for you to feel comfortable with growth, change, and transcendence. Venus connects with Pluto, intensifying emotions about the power dynamics of money. Venus enters your chart’s Hellenistic house of “goddess” which can put you in touch with your feminine side. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of shared resources, which can ask you about your faith in others and their ability to support you.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
Deep emotional bonding and release happens as love planet Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. This can mean a merging of hearts, or divine inspiration. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of spirituality, higher beliefs, and education, which can align with some major realizations. Friendly communication flows as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter. Look out for financial miscommunications as Mercury retrograde meets with your planetary ruler, Mars. You’re finding distractions through art (or parties) as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. A deeper psychological understanding of your feelings is possible as Venus connects with power planet Pluto. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of partnerships, putting emphasis on the spiritual or philosophical substance of your relationships.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
Mystical vibes flow as love planet Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, heightening your sense of intuition. You might feel more emotional or sensitive. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of intimacy and shared resources, which cold manifest as conversations about taboos. The sun harmonizes with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, showing a payoff or acknowledgement of your dedication. Messenger Mercury meets with action planet Mars in your sign, which might catch you saying things more impulsively or passionately. You’re confronting family beliefs as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. Venus enters your sign, bringing you gifts of charm and cuteness. Jupiter ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of health and work, helping you figure out what habits you need to stick to.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of partnerships, showing you how you feel about your relationships. You can feel warm and cozy, secure, acknowledging your shared history. Positive social, creative, and romantic vibes flow as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter, making it easy for you to find a visual or intellectual expression of your creative ideas. You might feel extra sensitive or even paranoid about a friend group or social network relationships as Venus connects with power planet Pluto. This can clue you into your own fears and desires. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in a social sector of your chart, which is a fine time to meditate on the virtue of friendship and find creative inspiration.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
You’re relaxing as love planet Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. This might be an escape from reality or avoidance of financial pressure. You can find pleasure in putting yourself out there and being charming. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of work and health, showing you how you want your lifestyle and routine to look. You find happiness in solitude or time off the clock as the sun harmonizes with peaceful Jupiter. Tune into what you need to heal and try to untangle painful grudges as Venus connects with power planet Pluto. Jupiter, the planet of hope, ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of home and family, giving you the space to explore the place where you live.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
Tune into a supernatural love that exceeds your earthly existence as Venus harmonizes with spiritual, visionary Neptune. The full moon illuminates your chart’s social axis, putting you in a festive and outgoing mood. The sun harmonizes with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, showing you your accomplishments and progressing you toward your goals. Remember to read the room as retrograde Mercury meets with action planet Mars, which can get zesty—and a little embarrassing. You can find a new outlet or channel for you to carry out your legacy as Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune. Venus enters your chart’s house of career and public reputation, improving your relationship to the public. Jupiter ends its retrograde in your chart’s house of communication, freeing your mind.