Daily Horoscope: December 21, 2023
December 20, 2023Intense feelings and unexpected demonstrations surface as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus at 2:04 AM. Spirited and humorous conversations take place as the moon in Aries aligns with Mars in Sagittarius at 3:23 AM, welcoming a bit of laughter and warmth into our hearts.
Mature conversations are unfolding as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces at 7:33 AM, welcoming us to be responsible and aware of the natural order of things. Common sense is rewarded now. Insecurities and half-baked ideas could lead us to rush into things or grasp for control as the moon clashes with Pluto in Capricorn at 8:11 PM. Be mindful about jumping to conclusions.
We’re feeling optimistic and mentally energized as the moon connects with the sun in Sagittarius at 9:47 PM, though the vibes shift as the moon enters the sultry sign of Taurus at 9:50 PM. The winter solstice arrives as the sun enters Capricorn at 10:27 PM, inviting us to embrace our need for wintering and to tend to the shifts happening within.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The sun enters Capricorn and your life could feel headed in a very different direction than it did last year. With the sun’s current planetary ruler, Saturn in Pisces, sitting in your 12th house of transformation and endings, you might be sensing a fork in the road that begs the question: Which way should I head next? Your intuition and imagination are asking to be employed now more than ever. Trust yourself to take authority over this decision and trust the process of self-discovery.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
Surprises and spontaneity could pop up in your relationships as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus. Partners, exes, or your best friend might come to you with an apology or sentimental demonstration of their affection. It’s a beautiful time to step up your game in your relationships and do the unexpected. Even considering all the hard work you’ll have to put in to get to your destination, the future feels promising as the sun enters Capricorn.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
The idea that success is multiplied and sorrow is halved in partnership could resonate deeply today as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces. A status or responsibility you share with partners could feel easier to carry as you ride life’s ups and downs together. You might find yourself honoring your commitments in a rather ceremonious way as the sun enters Capricorn.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
You could be discovering the goldilocks ratio of proximity and distance within your relationships as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces, giving you a more defined sense of what or where your boundaries are these days. You could start to notice a pattern within the history of your relationships or realize your adherence to a philosophical interpretation that has influenced your partnerships and the goals you create around them.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
There might be a shake-up in family plans or you might enjoy integrating some new traditions into your home as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus today. The sun enters Capricorn, turning your attention to the energy and time you put into your chores, work, and daily regimens. Perhaps you’ll embrace a lifestyle or routine that appreciates slow, invested processes over fast results and convenience. It’s a lovely day to bake some bread, make your own candles for the long night, or bless your home with some elaborate rituals.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
You, a partner, or a love interest could be wondering what the next level of your relationship would look like as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces. Conversations might be focused on preserving the joy and affection that brought you together in the first place or reminding each other of promises you’ve made or vows you’ve taken. It could be time for a date to enjoy some alone time. Spending quality time with friends and loved ones takes center stage in your life as the sun enters Capricorn.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
Overlooked or unplanned expenses and bills could make an appearance as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected gifts might bring mixed feelings, inviting you to practice receiving without letting triggered insecurities burn through resources or overcompensate to perform reciprocity. Observing family traditions and aligning your rituals and routines with the changing season offers a sense of grounding and containment as the sun enters Capricorn.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
You might witness some knee-jerk reactions unfolding within your relationships as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus. Survival instincts could make an appearance, as well as intense chemistry. Your mind feels focused and more creative as the sun enters Capricorn, inviting you to consider committing to projects that feel more fulfilling.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
Gift giving and receiving could take you on a walk down memory lane as the sun enters Capricorn today, reminding you of the complex feelings that come with the holiday season. The sun’s time here is putting your values, including those you’ve learned from family, into perspective. You might find yourself discerning and uncoupling your material goals from beliefs you’ve inherited about money and security.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Though you might have news to share, you could feel reluctant to reveal too much as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces, encouraging you to save your best stories and treasured (or vulnerable) experiences for a small container. A private chat with trusted friends, guides, or siblings may offer the right balance of shared joy and protected information. The way you communicate, learn, and navigate your local environment can bring reflection, and perhaps a writing project, as the sun enters Capricorn. New ways of expressing yourself are taking shape.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
An invitation to collaborate or a professional offer could shake your world up as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus, encouraging you to answer only when you know you can respond from a place of integrity; resist knee-jerk reactions to blurt out an answer or say “yes” before you have space to consider if you’re truly up for all the changes this would bring. The sun enters Capricorn, bringing your attention to unrecognized patterns or unhealed narratives about money and the material world.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
Opportunities to connect with new friends and catch up with old ones arrive as Mercury in Capricorn links up with Saturn in Pisces. It’s a great time to network or reach out to others looking for more in-person experiences and conversations not divided by screens. Finding your place within your community, or joining a community meant for you, comes into focus as the sun enters Capricorn.