Monthly Horoscope: Libra, December 2023

November 29, 2023 Off By Randon Rosenbohm

Sagittarius season has you out and about, running errands and answering calls. This also connects you to your own inner voice, and your quest for knowledge!

The planet of communication, Mercury, enters your chart’s house of home and family on December 1, where it will retrograde later this month. Tasks around the house might take a few tries to finally get finished. This can also be a slow period of processing your past, and defining your beliefs when it comes to themes of family.

Patience is a key word for the next two months as Mercury connects with serious Saturn on December 2 and December 21, with one final pass in January. You gain insights about your health and wellness through experiences, trial and error. If you’re working out a job or habit, don’t get discouraged if you need to restart and try again.

Your planetary ruler, Venus, clashes with Pluto on December 3, challenging power dynamics in relationships. You could be dealing with some heavy baggage, and need to confront relationship problems head-on. The vibe shifts as Venus enters purifying Scorpio on December 4, taking some of the pressure off your shoulders as you find peace in simple pleasures.

You’re well aware of your duties and responsibilities as Venus harmonizes with Saturn on December 5, which can restrain you from overindulging. However, you could find stability and self-discipline more easily during this transit. Neptune, the planet of illusions, ends its retrograde on December 6, stirring confusion. Look out for distractions or escapism that might get in your way of your chores.

Learning and teaching flow as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter on December 7 and December 18, with one final pass in January. This gives you a sense of optimism! If things are ending or wrapping up, you can have hope that what comes next will be a safe bet. An extra dose of positivity arrives on December 9 as Venus faces off with Jupiter. You’re sharing, caring, and open to receiving gifts! Whatever you’ve pitched in comes back.

Venus connects with Mercury on December 11, and emotional conversations flow. Decorating around the house or creating a space that is restful and supportive can also be a good use of this aspect.

The new moon in Sagittarius falls on December 12, starting and ending a cycle in your chart’s house of communication. New conversations are taking place. Questions are being asked in order to attain peace of mind. Maybe you’re compelled to learn more, or take on a course that will give you a practical skill in the new year—but expect delays as Mercury retrograde begins on December 13.

The sun clashes with Neptune on December 16, waking us up from a dream! Maybe you’re realizing misconceptions that you had about your health, job, or lifestyle, and feeling like you need to change the narrative, ready to buy into a different story.

Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter on December 18 for the second time and education is a process of trial and error. If you’re admitting that you made a mistake, people can be forgiving and receptive toward your honesty and due diligence. Or maybe you need to ask for some space and time while you dig deeper for the truth.

Venus faces off with Uranus, shaking up relationships on December 21. This one might throw you off balance. Keep your cool while confronted with something really wacky. You might find yourself getting roped into something you normally wouldn’t imagine doing. You’re only going to participate with good reason! 

You’re not willing to jump into anything as Mercury connects with Saturn again on December 21, repeating some serious conversations from December 2. You need time to chew on things and process what exactly you’re willing to sacrifice. Final changes are initiated as Capricorn season begins on December 21. On the winter solstice the sun moves into a private, restful sector of your chart, compelling you to labor over your personal life. Not everyone sees you toiling away, but the results will be gorgeous.

A new cycle of knowledge begins as Mercury meets with the sun on December 22, helping you redirect your focus and get a new start, writing down your aspirations and general mission for the new year. Look out for enthusiastic language and generalizations as Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius on December 23, bringing up conversations and thoughts from the end of November. Maybe you didn’t hear yourself the first time.

You have self-discipline within your reach as the sun connects with Saturn on December 24. You could be able to restrain yourself from falling into bad habits, and keep consistency through the holidays. This aspect can also help you take an honest look at your fears or insecurities, and find a way to work through them.

While you’re looking at the harsh truth, you can also get a dose of escapism. Healing, forgiving vibes flow as Venus harmonizes with Neptune on December 25, washing away any accountability. Or maybe you’re simply washing away dead skin with a spa treatment?

The full moon in Cancer lands on December 27, illuminating your chart’s house of public reputation and showing your accomplishments far and wide. The effort that you put in is being recognized by others. Make yourself and your (artfully curated) history known and accessible!

Also on December 27, Mercury clashes with Neptune, rehashing confusing topics that were discussed around November 27. False impressions can throw you off track or break your focus. You might also come up with interesting stories and fictions on your own! Goodwill flows as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter on December 27. This is a cozy, generous vibe. People feel good about sharing, but there’s still spiciness in the sky as Mercury meets with Mars. There may be some aggressive language or zealous, impassioned conversations unfolding. It might be hard to bite your tongue at this time.

Improvisation and flexibility are strengths as Mars clashes with Neptune on December 28. Getting lost and trailing off might lead you toward something beautiful, mystical, and inspired. Schedule some private time to wander and wonder!

Love planet Venus connects with power planet Pluto, intensifying relationships on December 29. This can help you connect with what you need in order to feel supported and confident, even if it’s extreme. Also on December 29, Venus changes signs, starting a new chapter in your chart’s house of communication and commuting. Typically you’d be in a festive mood, but you’re still very sensitive toward your responsibilities and time constraints.

Morals and politics are emphasized as Jupiter retrograde ends on December 30—a day when the planet stands still in the sky. This could be a positive omen for your finances as this occurs in your chart’s house of gifts, scholarships, and shared resources.

Good luck, Libra, see you in December!