Daily Horoscope: October 28, 2023
October 27, 2023The moon in spirited Aries squares off with Pluto in Capricorn at 4:20 AM and we may be feeling a bit disturbed or restless. The moon enters comfort-seeking Taurus at 7:44 AM and connects with Saturn in Pisces at 8:40 AM. We’re honoring boundaries or noticing where they need to be established. Mars in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus at 10:22 AM, signaling some tug-of-war vibes.
Today’s full moon—a lunar eclipse in Taurus—culminates at 4:24 PM and we’re witnessing the climax of certain storylines and relationships. Our values, desires, and connections are adapting and that means new possibilities are opening while others are coming to a close. Big emotions and colorful expressions are on display as Mercury in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus at 11:44 PM.
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for October!
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
It might occur to you to cut back spending (including of your time, energy, or money) on anything that seems frivolous or excessive as Mars in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. You could notice an investment or expenditure creates much more waste or work for you than makes sense. A financial transition or transformation is unfolding as the lunar eclipse in Taurus culminates. New sources of income can manifest and your values about what matters most are shifting. Like Mars, Mercury (in Scorpio) also opposes Jupiter today. Realizations about shared resources arrive and your preferences for comfort and security might be different than what you had previously calculated, leading to discussions and ideas about goal adjustments.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
It could feel like you’ve been going through a phase of physical, emotional, and spiritual fasting as the lunar eclipse culminates in your sign, Taurus. Venus, your ruling planet—and the ruler of this eclipse—is currently in virtue-seeking Virgo, and you might realize that the perceived worth of your needs for pleasure, creativity, and play has been skewed, contradicting your values for connection and embodiment. If your joy has been undernourished, perhaps it’s time to break fast and dig into some metaphorical soul food!

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
You’ve been unstoppable, nose to the grindstone, lately. The lunar eclipse in Taurus signals it’s time to pause, switch gears, and reconnect with what’s sacred to you. You might stand in your own way by pushing yourself past your capacity if you feel yourself too deep in the zone to slow down. Consider it a sign that your body is setting a boundary for you if you feel unwell or forced to take rest as Mercury in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. Head’s up! Your dreams may offer fresh insight into familial or ancestral patterns or something that you’ve been overlooking for a very long time; keep a dream journal by the bed.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
The culmination of the lunar eclipse in Taurus opens your awareness to more possibilities and a desire to join a movement or group of people with a message that speaks to something deep within you. What used to float your boat might not cut it anymore, and you’re reorienting to the path that’s true to you. With shifting dreams and aspirations might come some meaningful new connections and friendships.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
Accomplishments are cast under a potent glow during today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus. Your career or calling are taking center stage and this eclipse can mark a celebration, a completion, or a rite of passage. Maybe a raise, promotion, or offer is on the way! Keep in mind that eclipses push loads of activating energy into a smaller container of time, which means there’s a higher potential for drama, especially with family members. Let your actions and words be led with integrity in public, and in your personal life, and there will be nothing to regret.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
A perspective that once felt a bit distant or unrelatable might land in a new way under today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus. Venus, the eclipse ruler, is currently in your sign. You can find yourself navigating unique scenarios or presented with a new learning curve that calls for emotionally intelligent communication, embodiment, and self-care. You may learn something that stirs very visceral feelings as your ruling planet, Mercury, in Scorpio, also sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus. A certain location could be motivating a move or a trip.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
Today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus offers a great sigh of relief as you’re invited to liberate yourself from layers of complex unrest. The axis of money, debt, and shared resources is activated by this eclipse and a shift in your self-esteem or realization of your self-worth feels more tangible, boosting your capacity to release old patterns of shame and money complexes. The way you approach your time, energy, and finances is changing and you could be putting some old debts to rest or receiving an inheritance.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
Relationships are reaching a climax under the lunar eclipse in Taurus, and a new path is coming into your awareness. A love interest or friendship could be taken to another level. With your ruling planet Mars at home in your sign sitting opposite Jupiter in Taurus, you can feel empowered to cut ties and walk away from partnerships or friendships that you feel have reached their expiration date. Mercury in Scorpio also faces off with Jupiter today, signaling big feelings coming to the surface as eruptions reveal something that’s been left unsaid for too long.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
The little things are adding up in a significant way under today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus. The accumulation of your work, habits, and daily regimens are reaching a culmination in a very visible way; a work project might gain some traction with the public or you may receive some helpful feedback about how to reach your goals. Keep in mind that eclipses bring big feelings to the surface and you might be nudged to get deeper rest, take up some mindfulness practice, or shift your habits and approach to health with a more holistic mindset.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Your outlets for expression could be shifting and your creativity is expanding and evolving under the lunar eclipse in Taurus. With Mercury and Mars opposing Jupiter in Taurus during this eclipse, you can feel a chapter closing in your social circle or discover that a certain path no longer feels as open and free as it once did. Venus is the ruler of this eclipse, and in Virgo, it’s activating unique experiences for you. You might feel as though you’re navigating uncharted territory as you reorient to new ideas or feelings about pleasure, romance, and how you spend your leisure time.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
Conversations about your work-life balance could come to a climax under today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus. Mercury and Mars in Scorpio both sit opposite Jupiter in Taurus during this eclipse and you might feel that you’re fighting tooth and nail to stay on a certain path. Venus in Virgo rules this eclipse and you may question whether your current career trajectory is worth the time, energy, and resources you’re putting into it. You’re not one to take the path of least resistance, though you can be inspired to make a shift if the sacrifices to your personal life are too great to ignore.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
Something that seems so simple or fundamental could turn out to be more complex or misunderstood under today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus. Trying to make sense of a unique experience or something foreign to you could also feel a bit overwhelming as Mars and Mercury in Scorpio are both facing off with Jupiter in Taurus during this eclipse. Conversations with trusted partners can offer the support you need to discern and distill the information you need at the moment. Give yourself the freedom to slow down and really connect with new knowledge you’re encountering rather than trying to swallow metaphorical seas of facts, opinions, and commentary in the span of minutes, hours, or a day.