Daily Horoscope: October 4, 2023
October 3, 2023Communication planet Mercury enters tactful, considerate Libra at 8:09 PM, inspiring a supportive and productive atmosphere as we collaborate with one another. Motivation and confidence are easy to find as the moon in Gemini connects with Mars in Libra at 11:33 PM. Making things happen comes easily at this time!
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for October!
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
Mercury enters Libra, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, boosting communication with your partners, and finding you interacting with new contacts. The mood is friendly and open-minded!

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
Messenger planet Mercury enters Libra, which can improve communication between you and your coworkers. You may be reorganizing your schedule or updating your to-do list. A productive energy flows!

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
Your ruling planet Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra today, which could bring a love letter your way! Some good news, or a message of support, may land in your inbox over the coming weeks.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
Discussions about your home and family life, your living situation, or the past pick up as Mercury enters Libra. Paperwork regarding these themes could also be organized. New information about an old situation may surface.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
Messenger planet Mercury enters Libra today, lighting up the communication sector of your chart and making it a productive time to network, share ideas, and research. The energy in your local neighborhood also becomes busier!

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
Conversations about money or security pick up as your ruling planet Mercury enters Libra. The mood is collaborative and conscientious, so this can be a productive time for negotiations!

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
Communication planet Mercury enters your zodiac sign today, dear Libra! This can find you feeling especially talkative and in the mood to socialize. You may gain new clarity on a problem that’s been puzzling you.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
You could be connecting with your intuition in a deep and significant way as Mercury enters Libra. Your dreams may be especially active at this time. Secrets are shared!

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
Messenger planet Mercury enters fun, chatty Libra today, inspiring an exciting atmosphere in your social life! This is an excellent time to network with new friends and enjoy your favorite hobbies. Teamwork is also especially effective at this moment.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Communication planet Mercury enters Libra today, kicking up conversations about your career. People are buzzing about you and your talents over the coming weeks!

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra today, which could bring news from afar. You may be traveling or planning your next trip over the coming weeks. Mercury in Libra bodes well for any schoolwork, publishing, writing, or speaking that you’re planning.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
You and your partners dive deeper into a discussion about money and shared resources as Mercury enters Libra. Conversations about debts, taxes, or inheritances are explored and a productive energy flows around these themes.