Weekly Horoscope: August 21 – 27
August 20, 2023We’re acting with our best interests in mind as love planet Venus clashes with Jupiter on Tuesday, August 22, at 8:16 AM. We’re making changes based on what feels good, and taking a first step.
A little bit of delusion might be necessary to push forward as action planet Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune at 4:33 PM. Improvisation and flexibility are key now, especially as Mercury retrograde begins—delays are expected and we’ll have to make do with what we have in the moment.
Virgo season begins on Wednesday, August 23, at 5:01 AM. Everyone’s preparing for the harvest, getting ready to go back to school. On that same day, Virgo’s planetary ruler Mercury begins its retrograde at 3:59 PM. Mercury retrogrades are times of delays, traffic, and all the reflection that takes place when you have nothing left to do in the waiting room but look out the window and think!
Powerful transformations take place as action planet Mars harmonizes with Pluto at 8:23 PM on Thursday, August 24. There’s a strong followthrough here.
There’s a tense energy in the air as the sun faces off with Saturn at 4:28 AM on Sunday, August 27. With this aspect, there can be a release of responsibilities or a need to accept things as they are. Also on Sunday, warrior Mars enters diplomatic Libra at 9:19 AM and things are getting done in passive, unconventional ways.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
Your planetary ruler, Mars, faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking you to be more flexible about how you work and go about your daily tasks. Virgo season begins, calling your attention to how to feel most healthy and wholesome. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate your lifestyle and daily tasks. It’s a good time to consider how you can make space to give yourself more energy and happiness. Have extra patience with your schedule and responsibilities. You’re pushing with full force as your planetary ruler Mars harmonizes with Pluto, giving you extra gas to accomplish major tasks. Mars enters your chart’s house of interpersonal relationships, putting you in someone else’s shoes; it can be easier for you to understand other people’s motivations over the coming weeks.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
Your planetary ruler Venus clashes with hopeful Jupiter, initiating a step in the right direction. You might not have considered doing something like this before, but now you’re making it happen! Venus retrograde sees your tastes and desires changing. You have to believe in yourself, despite any unusual circumstances, and then you’ll follow through! The sun enters fellow earth sign Virgo, bringing your attention to your social life—this is a fun and creative time of year for Taurus! Maybe you’re thinking about going on dates or simply getting into your hobbies and leisure time. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate past flings and friendships, and might even find you ready to pick up old hobbies or games you set down.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
Action planet Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking for flexibility in how you define your career. It’s hard to be direct—embrace having wiggle room! It’s time to rest as Virgo season begins. Consider where you want to be at the end of the day, whether that means your bed or your final resting place. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate your home and family life. Renovations and reconciliations are happening. Extreme power is in your hands as Mars harmonizes with Pluto, asking you to push forward with transformations and endings, only to come out of it redefined! Tension arises as the sun faces off with Saturn, asking for sacrifice with regard to your career.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how to process your thoughts. During Virgo season, the sun moves through your chart’s house of communication, so during this transit it’s important to be aware of how you speak to yourself. What words do you use to describe yourself? What is the tone of your inner voice? Is it harsh and critical, or is it patient and generous? This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate the tone that you take with yourself, and effectively, how you speak to others. This is also a good time to go through old mail; clear out and organize your inbox. Action planet Mars enters your chart’s house of home and family, pushing you to get a grip on your resting place.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
Here’s an opportunity for a rebrand: Aesthetic Venus clashes with Jupiter, pushing you to change based on what feels right. Take a step toward happiness! Give yourself the space and forgiveness to do something you normally wouldn’t. Leo is the sign of the heart; while you might be prone to overthinking, you still need to be true to what feels right in your heart, and to protect your dignity. Self-esteem is a topic for you to consider during Virgo season. How do you measure your self-worth? Is it how many sales you’re making, or how many messages you wake up to? This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate these measurements and figure out what scale is most relevant to you.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
Give other people space and patience as action planet Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking for flexibility in your relationships. If you make assumptions, you might make a fool of yourself. As the sun enters your sign, consider how you see yourself and the role you play in relationships. Are you passive and permissive, or are you clear, standing in your truth? This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate how you express yourself and your ideas. Extreme power is in your hands as Mars harmonizes with Pluto, inspiring you to transform your social and creative lives. Tension arises as the sun faces off with Saturn, urging you to define sacrifices, compromises, and failures in relationships. Through this, standards can be set.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
Dreams are changing! Your planetary ruler, Venus, clashes with hopeful Jupiter, giving you the confidence to change your plans for the future. What you thought you wanted just doesn’t feel right anymore, and now you’re ready to set out on a new path. Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how you process your deepest feelings and secrets. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate your relationship to your alone time. It might also be a period when you’re setting intentional time to reflect and heal. Action planet Mars enters your sign, giving you more confidence and energy to assert yourself. Tap out for a few weeks to get busy.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
You should feel justified about whatever change is happening! Embrace playfulness and ambiguity in your social and sex lives as your planetary ruler Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking you to find a stoic balance between ambition and distraction. Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how you process your thoughts about the future. Overthinking is an imperfect strategy—improvisation works best now. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate your future plans. Think back on old dreams—maybe you want to pick up where you left off. You’re pushing with full force as your planetary ruler Mars harmonizes with Pluto, which could find you justifying your actions in a roundabout way. Honesty is simple.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
You’re stepping out into uncharted waters as love planet Venus clashes with Jupiter. A new branch grows in a direction you’d never dreamed possible! Action planet Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking you to be in multiple places at once. You can’t hire a stunt double, but maybe you can welcome the unknown. You’re ready to get down to business as Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how to label, process, and explain your life’s work. This Mercury retrograde urges you to reevaluate how you define yourself and your accomplishments. Find peace in knowing where you don’t want to end up as the sun faces off with Saturn. Honor the experience that failure has given you.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
You’re ready to branch out into new fields and learn what’s out there! Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to your beliefs and worldview. It can be a studious or spiritual time for you, dear Capricorn. This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate your relationship to travel. Maybe you’re reconsidering how far you like to go, or rearranging plans. If you’re traveling at this time, have extra patience for delays and other travel related annoyances. This is also a good time to look back on old lessons, publications, and classwork that you’ve done—a review! Action planet Mars enters your chart’s house of career and public reputation, giving you the strength to stand out in a crowd.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
Relationships are taking a step in the right direction as love planet Venus clashes with hopeful Jupiter, initiating a positive change. You might have more faith in other people right now, or feel open to being less skeptical. You’re taking everything with a grain of salt as Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how you process matters of trust and intimacy. You’re realistic and specific about how you can and cannot trust other people. Sometimes you have no choice but to hand over a task! You can be a little more flexible and forgiving during this Mercury retrograde, helping you reevaluate the more substantial aspects of your relationships, and how they make you feel.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
There’s a change of heart as Venus clashes with your planetary ruler Jupiter. By uncovering your beliefs, you can make more space for empathy. Take on a lifestyle change that will bring you peace of mind. Action planet Mars faces off with dreamy Neptune, asking you to defend yourself against the absurd. You might feel misunderstood, but don’t let it harden your heart. You have to let it roll off your back or answer absurdity in an absurd way. Virgo season begins, bringing your attention to how you process your interpersonal relationships. Ideally, what do your commitments look like? This Mercury retrograde asks you to reevaluate the terms of your relationships. Tension arises as the sun faces off with Saturn, urging you to be honest about your limitations.