Weekly Horoscope: July 17 – 23
July 16, 2023Minds are changing as Mercury clashes with Jupiter on Monday, July 17, at 8:48 AM. Sometimes, learning is a process of elimination. Consider ideas that are holding you back, and how to move through them. The new moon in Cancer also falls on Monday, at 2:31 PM. Intuition is a silly, tricky thing. While a gut instinct and strong survival skills will always lead you to safety, you can’t expect your instincts to be anyone else’s reality but your own!
Take a time out as fiery Mars faces off with strict Saturn on Thursday, July 20, at 4:39 PM. Some things are exhausting and need time to develop. Spare yourself the mental gymnastics.
A deeper structure is revealed on Friday, July 21, as the sun faces off with power planet Pluto, showing us something hidden under the rug. Insecurities and fears can be given the care and patience required for healing.
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, begins its retrograde in Leo on Saturday, July 22, at 9:32 PM. This starts the 40-day period of Venus retrograde in the sign of Leo, and sexual identity and authority in relationships can be highlighted themes.
Also on Saturday, Leo season begins at 9:50 PM! Authenticity, intellectual strength, and shamelessness are all things we love about this fire sign. Tap into these qualities over the next month. Finally, make sure you save your work and back up your files as Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, on Sunday, July 23, at 5:39 PM.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
You’re tapped into your instincts concerning your home and family as the new moon falls in your chart’s domestic sector. Make plans for deep rest and recharging. You might feel like you’re standing up against something very heavy as your planetary ruler Mars faces off with Saturn, which can find you facing obstacles to your productivity. Maybe it’s time to take a break. Give your fears all of the hope they need as the sun faces off with Pluto across your chart's axis of family and legacy. You’re greater than you realize. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to love, sex, and friendship as Venus begins its retrograde in a social sector of your chart. A new chapter in self expression, creativity, and playfulness begins as the sun enters Leo.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
You can be changing your understanding of where you belong and how you fit in as messenger Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy, expanding your concept of home. You’re tapped into your instincts and deeply tuned into your inner voice as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of communication—it’s a ripe lunation for prayer and manifestation. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to your familial past, and home in general, as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s domestic sector. A new chapter in this area of your life begins as the sun shows you how to rest and stay strong. Strange ideas can challenge you as Mercury clashes with Uranus, rattling your imagination.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
You may be changing your perspective based on new knowledge as your planetary ruler Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. You’re tapped into your instincts concerning money and income as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of personal resources. Give yourself time and patience to think about your family and legacy as action planet Mars faces off with serious Saturn, slowing down the process. It can feel heavy! You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to roommates, siblings, and neighborhood as Venus retrograde begins. Maybe you find new ways to express your identity. A new chapter in learning and auto-didacticism begins with Leo season. Strange ideas can challenge you as Mercury clashes with Uranus.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
You’re tapped into your instincts surrounding the role that you play in other people’s lives as the new moon falls in your sign. Your relationship to yourself is prioritized. Fill your cup! Give your fears all of the hope they need as the sun faces off with Pluto across your chart's axis of relationships. Sometimes it’s not as bad as it seems. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to money and self worth as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of personal resources. A new chapter in your financial life begins as the sun enters your financial sector. Self worth, self esteem, and some good plants can be the most fruitful resources one can cultivate!

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
You could be changing your understanding of your place in the world as messenger Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. You’re ready to take a step toward your big dreams! You’re tapped into your instincts about secrets and unexplainable things as the new moon falls in a dreamy, spiritual sector of your chart. Give your fears all of the hope they need as the sun faces off with Pluto across your chart's axis of health and lifestyle. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to yourself and identity as Venus begins its retrograde in your sign. A reinvention is underway, but remember to move slowly! A new chapter begins in your relationships and personal life as the sun enters your sign.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
You can feel called to act on your moral and spiritual philosophy as your planetary ruler Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. You’re tapped into your instincts concerning your friendships as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of community. This is also a fertile time to plant the seeds for your dreams to come true! Give yourself time to think about commitments and limitations in relationships as action planet Mars faces off with serious Saturn, slowing down the process. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to the unknown as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of secrets and surrender. A new chapter in your hermeticism and mental health begins as the sun enters this same sector.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
You’re tapped into your instincts surrounding your legacy as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of career and public reputation. Protect your integrity by knowing, in your heart, what would be the right thing to do next. Give your fears all of the hope they need to vanish as the sun faces off with Pluto across your chart's axis of manifestation. What would you bring into the world if you weren’t afraid or ashamed? You’re beginning a 40-day reflection on your relationship to community, social media, and friendship as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s social sector. A new chapter in realizing your goals begins as the sun enters your chart’s house of hopes and dreams.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
You might need to speak on a few things as messenger Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy, compelling you to be more understood by others. You’re tapped into your instincts surrounding your beliefs and sense of right and wrong as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of enlightenment and greater perspectives. You can feel like you’re standing up against something very heavy as your planetary ruler Mars faces off with Saturn, finding you needing to take a break from certain social contracts. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to the public as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of career. A new chapter in your career begins as the sun enters this same house.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
You’re tapped into your instincts about how other people feel as the new moon falls in an intimate and psychic sector of your chart. You can sense what other people need, and feel compelled to care for them. Give yourself time to think about what you’re doing and where you want to go, as action planet Mars faces off with serious Saturn, slowing down the process and stirring up existential feelings. You’re beginning a 40-day reflection on your relationship to your moral, spiritual, and philosophical outlook as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of higher learning and greater perspectives. Values are being reflected on. A new chapter in your wanderlust and bookwormishness begins as the sun enters your chart’s house of travel and education.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
You’re tapped into your instincts surrounding your relationships and how to feel safe with them as the new moon falls in your chart’s partnerships sector. You might find it challenging to stay cool as action planet Mars faces off with your planetary ruler Saturn, bringing conversations to a standstill. There’s no solution now, but wait it through or make a compromise. Give your fears all of the hope they need as the sun faces off with Pluto across your chart's axis of relationships. People aren’t out to hurt you. You’re beginning a 40-day reflection on your relationship to intimacy and shared resources as Venus begins its retrograde. What you value in others is up for review. A transformative chapter begins with Leo season.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
You’re learning more about other people and what they think as messenger Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. It might be time for you to teach them a thing or two! You’re tapped into your instincts surrounding your health and routine as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of work and lifestyle. It’s a fruitful time to welcome new habits into your life. You might find it challenging to stay cool as action planet Mars faces off with your planetary ruler Saturn, bringing frustrations to a standstill. Compromise may be necessary. You’re beginning a 40-day reflection on your relationships as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of partnerships. A new chapter in relationships begins as the sun enters this sector as well.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
You’re tapped into your instincts concerning your friendships and creative life as the new moon falls in your chart’s pleasure sector. This is a ripe time to explore your creativity and nurture your modes of self expression. Give yourself time to think about your relationships, and how you do and don’t cave to pressure, as action planet Mars faces off with serious Saturn, slowing things down to a standstill. Compromise is necessary, on both sides. You’re beginning a 40-day period of reflection on your relationship to health, routine, daily work, and other habits as Venus begins its retrograde in your chart’s house of lifestyle. A fresh chapter begins in this same arena of your life as the sun changes signs.