The Latest Hack for Better Butt Sex? CBD ‘Booty Melts’

June 20, 2023 Off By Mary Frances "Francky" Knapp

Preparing for ass play is a lot like making beef bourguignon. The experience should feel sumptuous, filling, and never rushed. Ideally, you will take the time to gather the best, most fingerlicking ingredients to heat up your Dutch oven, curating a combo of enemas, lubricants, prostate massagers, and other backdoor relaxers for exploring one of God’s most glorious, gaping cenotes.

Alas, your anus is a master fortress. That sweet peach is equipped with not one but two sphincters—an inner one outside of your control, and an outer sphincter that, as mentioned in the VICE guide to anal sex, “can be taught to relax, to open, [and] to let pleasure in.” Start off with a lubricated pinky finger, or a little rimming. Consider using graduated training plug kits, and thankfully, there’s now a wide world (no pun intended) of luxury suppositories, which can be great ass-centric foreplay accessories in and of themselves.

In the case of the latter, Foria is king. The sexual wellness site is behind some of my favorite CBD lubes (this one tastes like Thin Mints), and has just launched a new version of its CBD Booty Melts with hemp, which take their sensual sensations right to the source (your anus) with a horny little vial (suppository) of ambrosia (CBD and CBG) that is designed to slide into your bum with all the ease of a high-speed Japanese train.

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Photo Courtesy of Foria

I highly recommend combining CBD and sex. You know that tingly feeling right after you stop running, when the endorphins warm up the back of your neck and you feel like you have HD raptor vision for a few seconds? That’s how I feel when I use Foria’s CBD lube. So I was more than curious, to say the least, about the miracles that its new, organic CBD suppositories could work for my butt sex goals. Granted, a lot of the information around CBD’s effects on sex is still anecdotal, but researchers are finding that it can reduce anxiety and increase serotonin, which can be crucial for libido-boosting during intimacy.

Foria’s Booty Melts contain cocoa butter, jojoba oil, and a combined 150 milligrams of broad-spectrum, hemp-derived CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol). If you’re new to CBG (same), it’s basically the base molecule from which CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids form, and, in addition to reducing anxiety, it might help fight inflammation and increase appetite in some consumers. Great news all around, whether you’re hungry for pastrami (or ass).

Maybe you’ve had it up to here [slides out arm] with finger dilating, or perhaps your lube bill is up the wazoo. Whether you’re gearing up your anus or the anus of someone you love for fingers, penises, strap-ons, or other flared base fantasies, it looks like Foria’s Booty Melts are here to take the reins, so you can massage and bon voyage with ease.

Purchase Booty Melts at Foria.

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