Daily Horoscope: April 13, 2023
April 12, 2023Big emotions surface when the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter in Aries at 3:20 AM, and we could be ready to take action toward something important as the moon squares off with the sun in Aries at 5:11 AM. The moon connects with Neptune in Pisces at 10:14 AM, inspiring creativity and sensitivity.
The moon enters Aquarius at 4:42 PM, encouraging us to take a cool, detached look at things—but intense feelings arise as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius at 5:11 PM. Make time to sit with whatever comes up—you might lose out on important growth if you ignore your inner voice. The moon connects with Venus in Gemini at 10:23 PM, inspiring an affectionate atmosphere.
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for April!
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in your sign, which could find you making an important decision about your career. Connect with your intuition as the moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces. The moon enters Aquarius, meeting Pluto in Aquarius, and connecting with Venus in Gemini, which can find you forming powerful social connections.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
You may have a philosophical breakthrough as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. The moon connects with Neptune in Pisces, and you’re making inspiring social connections. Profound shifts may take place in your career as the moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
The moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries, which could find you making important decisions regarding your future. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
You could be making important decisions regarding your career, life in public, and relationships as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, and you’re having an inspiring discussion. The moon enters Aquarius, meeting Pluto in Aquarius, and connecting with Venus in Gemini, inspiring a powerful emotional breakthrough and finding you releasing the past in some significant way.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
The moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in fellow fire signs Aries, which can find you making an important change to your schedule or environment. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, encouraging you to connect with your intuition. The moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini, which can find you making a powerful connection with someone special.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
The moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries, which can find you making an important decision about how you focus your energy moving forward. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, which may find you connecting with someone compassionate and inspiring. The moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini, finding you making an important shift in your daily routine and perhaps achieving something great. Your popularity is growing!

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
The moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries, which could find you making important changes at home and in your relationships. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, creating an easygoing atmosphere as you go about your daily routine—but an intensely passionate connection can take place as the moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with your ruling planet Venus in Gemini.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
You could be making important changes to your schedule or routine as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. The moon mingles with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring romance and creativity. The moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini, which can find you having a powerful emotional breakthrough.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
You could be making an important decision about how you invest your time, money, and energy as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. The moon connects with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a compassionate atmosphere. The moon enters Aquarius, joining Pluto in Aquarius and connecting with Venus in Gemini, which can find you having a powerful, transformative discussion.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
The moon is in your sign, Capricorn, and today it squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries, which can find you making important decisions about your home and family life. The moon aligns with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a gentle atmosphere around communication. The moon enters Aquarius, meets Pluto in Aquarius, and connects with Venus in Gemini, which can mark an important turning point in your wealth or security.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
Your inner voice can be a great source of inspiration today as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. The moon connects with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring creativity. The moon enters your sign, Aquarius, meeting Pluto in Aquarius, and connecting with Venus in Gemini, inspiring a powerful atmosphere for connection. Deep bonds can form. A creative breakthrough may take place.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
An important shift could take place in your social life as the moon in Capricorn squares off with Jupiter and the sun, both in Aries. You may also be making big decisions about money. The moon connects with Neptune in your sign, Pisces, which can find you feeling especially popular or glamorous! The moon enters Aquarius, encouraging you to slow down and rest. The moon meets Pluto in Aquarius and connects with Venus in Gemini, which could find you having an emotional breakthrough.