Weekly Horoscope: March 20 – 26
March 19, 2023The spring equinox falls on Monday, March 20, the first day of Aries season. Before Pisces season ends, the sun connects with power planet Pluto at 4:12 PM, revealing hidden details. The sun officially enters Aries at 5:24 PM: Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents a fresh start. There’s something transformative and reinvigorating about this moment… there’s a lot that hasn’t happened yet, a lot to be excited about!
New moons are times of uncertainty and potential and the new moon in Aries happens at 12:01 PM on Tuesday, March 21. The symbol of the egg is perfect for the new moon in Aries. The delicate shell has to break in order to make new life, or creme brûlée.
Pluto, the planet of taboos and secrets, changes signs for the first time since 2008, entering Aquarius at 8:14 AM on Thursday, March 23. The upcoming period of Pluto in Aquarius will transform how we view technology and humanity. No big deal!
Action planet Mars changes signs for the first time since August 2022 on Saturday, March 25, at 7:45 AM. Mars usually only spends a month or so in each sign, and it was in Gemini for seven. Mars is the planet of fighting, and in Cancer, it is reminiscent of a southern woman passive aggressively baking their most resented enemies a casserole.
This week is a tremendous vibe shift: Not only will it feel different from the last month of Pisces season, it will feel different from the last seven months of Mars in Gemini, the last three years of Saturn in Aquarius, and the last fifteen years of Pluto in Capricorn! This is a major new beginning, and it’s not just because of the astrological new year.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden truths about your connection to power and authority. The spring equinox breathes new life into your world! After a month of rest and preparation, now is time for you to step up to the plate. The new moon holds potential for you to fearlessly be yourself and accept your uniqueness. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your ability to invent your own future over the next 20 years. Your planetary ruler Mars enters your chart’s house of home and family, showing you a unique way to rest and carve out a cozy, nurturing environment for yourself.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
The spring equinox breathes new life into your spirituality and ability to let go. This month marks a time for you to connect with a meditation practice, or even tune into parts of yourself that can go unacknowledged. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly admit your fears. The first step is admitting what ails you. You’re stepping into a moment of power! Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your career and how you show up in the world over the next 20 years. Having Pluto transiting an angular place in your chart is bound to manifest groundbreaking changes, leaving you in a completely different place than you were before.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about what funds your career. You’re able to peer into the well and see what or who is supplying you with money, motivation, or clout. The spring equinox breathes new life into your future: This can be a moment when you feel like you’re getting a new start, and have a lot to be optimistic about. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly make a break and take a first step toward the life that you wish to live. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your relationship to ideology, foreign nations, and the law in general over the next 20 years! Twenty years is a wide scope for a weekly horoscope, but Pluto magnifies.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about your relationships. Secrets always come to light, and currently you can find that things are more clearly viewed. The spring equinox breathes new life into your career: Harness optimism and courage to step into the role that you idealize. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly command respect! Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your financial world over the next 20 years as it moves through your chart’s house of shared resources. Applying for grants, loans, and scholarships are all worthwhile. Action planet Mars enters your sign, giving you a unique edge to stand up for yourself in a way that feels right.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about your work and health. This is an aspect that can mean learning things that were once hidden. You’re getting your groove back! The spring equinox renews your ability to look on the bright side of things, and to see beyond the present moment. You’re looking out into the distance, seeing all the possibilities that lie before you. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly think for yourself and share your sincere feelings and brilliant ideas! Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your relationships and the lives of those that you’re committed to over the next 20 years.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about your relationships and social life. This can be an illuminating moment for you: You’re understanding on a deep psychological level what compels you to be attracted to other people and to feel like you can trust them. For Virgo, intimacy is a theme of Aries season. The spring equinox is a time of renewed trust as you get a look at the nuts and bolts of what is shared in relationships. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly relinquish control and ask for help when you need it. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your work and routine over the next 20 years, it can magnify your look into your health.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about your work, home, and routine. You can get a deep look into the core of what keeps you alive! It’s like an x-ray. The spring equinox breathes new life into your relationships: This is a period when your insight into your partnerships is renewed. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly start new relationships, or to be honest about who you don’t have time for. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your creative potential, friendships, and sexuality over the next 20 years. Action planet Mars enters your chart’s house of career and public reputation, showing you how to slay in a way that no one expects.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
The spring equinox breathes new life into your routine: You might be starting a new job, or feel like you can take on a new habit or lifestyle update with ease. The new moon holds potential for you to fearlessly commit. You’re ready to serve! You are being generous with your time and energy, ready to put it toward a good cause. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your home and family life over the next 20 years. By the end of it all, you can literally be in a different place. Your planetary ruler Mars enters your chart’s house of travel and higher learning, showing you a unique way to branch out and see yourself in a different setting.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about how you invest into your home and body. You can find cracks or missing pieces. The spring equinox breathes new life into your will to have fun and enjoy yourself, kicking off the most fun time of year for a Sagittarius: Aries season! The new moon shows potential to fearlessly enjoy yourself, be creative, and give into pleasure. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your way of thinking and learning over the next 20 years. This is a time for you to completely rebuild your mind palace from the ground up. This can be through learning new skills or languages or strengthening your coping mechanism tool kit in therapy.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about how you think about yourself and your habits. This can be an enlightening moment when you find a place to soften, and loosen your grip. The spring equinox breathes new life into your home and family. This is an opportunity for renewal and rest. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly disappear for a second. There’s a lot to be excited about, and that can include naps! The end of an era is exhausting. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your financial world over the next 20 years. Action planet Mars enters your chart’s house of relationships, showing you how to gently and graciously fight other people’s battles.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
The spring equinox breathes new life into your mental processes: This is a time when you’re happily learning new information and might be interested in new topics. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly learn and ask questions. New conversations are beginning, giving you a lot of material to investigate and read into. This can be a period of sharpening your skillset or simply starting a new series of books. Let your autodidactic nature shine as you teach yourself whatever you want to learn! Or maybe you’re willing to join a small class. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your identity over the next 20 years. Aquarius identity tends to be pretty static and authentic, but when circumstances change, so do people.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
The sun connects with power planet Pluto, revealing hidden intel about how you can make your dreams come true. This is a time for you to reach out to your fans and network to ask for support. This is a very powerful moment to get your way and lead the masses! The spring equinox breathes new life into your financial world, which can mean material renewal. Maybe you’re more optimistic about your financial situation or ready to see it with fresh eyes. The new moon shows potential to fearlessly and honestly look at money matters. Pluto in Aquarius can slowly transform your relationship to the unknown over the next 20 years! Mysteries and secrets are all being probed by your brilliant mind.