Daily Horoscope: March 9, 2023
March 8, 2023The moon is in Libra today, encouraging us to take great consideration before making decisions. Libra is a chatty air sign, which could make it a fun day for connection and communication. Finding moderation is a key theme as the moon opposes the planet of excess, Jupiter, in Aries at 12:27 PM.
All times ET.
Read your monthly horoscope for March!
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The moon is in your opposite sign Libra, encouraging connection and collaboration. Excitement can arise as the moon opposes Jupiter in your sign, Aries, but be careful not to go overboard with whatever you’re focused on today. Jupiter is the planet of luck, but also excess, and while it’s in your zodiac sign, you may be growing in exciting ways, but perhaps also learning your limits.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, encouraging you to reorganize your workspace, tackle your to-do list, and get things done! Don’t forget to schedule time to rest, too: The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, and moderation is key.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
The moon is in fellow air sign Libra today, inspiring a flirtatious and creative atmosphere. The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, which can bring over-the-top fun in your social life!

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, inspiring a harmonious atmosphere at home. This can be a lovely time to connect with family or loved ones. The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, which could find you making big plans for the future. Carving out a better work-life balance may be a helpful thing to focus on at this time.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, lighting up the communication sector of your chart. Exciting invitations and big ideas can be shared as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries! The mood is very ope- minded, but watch out for exaggerations.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, which can find you focused on your finances. Themes like comfort and security may be on your mind, and you could be wondering how you can have it all, without cleaning out your wallet, as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries.

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
The moon is in your sign, Libra, which can find the world on your emotional wavelength. Deep connections form as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries. The mood may be optimistic, and exciting discussions could take place, but be mindful of exaggerations.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, encouraging you to slow down and rest, but the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, which can find you pulled to take care of business! Finding a happier work-life balance may be in order.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
Exciting social connections can form as the moon moves through Libra. This could be a productive time for teamwork. The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, inspiring plenty of fun and romance—just be careful not to overindulge.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
Your focus may be on your career and your life in the public eye as the moon moves through Libra. You can feel especially popular today! But carving out a happier work-life balance is also on your mind as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
The moon is in fellow air sign Libra today, which can find you making travel plans or focusing on your studies. A mind-opening discussion may take place, especially as the moon opposes Jupiter in Aries.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
The moon is in Libra today, which can find you and your partners, in love or otherwise, discussing everything from money to intimacy. The moon opposes Jupiter in Aries: Watch your spending, and make time to think about your long-term financial goals.