Weekly Horoscope: March 6 – 12
March 5, 2023The sun connects with Uranus, the planet of surprises, at 8:41 AM. There’s a feeling like anything can happen. Spontaneity and invention are at your fingertips!
The full moon in Virgo lands on Tuesday, March 7, at 7:70 AM. This earthy full moon can present a moment of grounding and specificity during the ethereal aura of Pisces season. Consequences and end-goals are made clear as Saturn, the planet of boundaries and rules, moves into Pisces at 8:34 AM. Saturn changes signs once every three years, so the energy is about to change, for sure.
Venus gently connects with action planet Mars on Saturday, March 11, at 10:04 AM, giving us a boost to get closer to what we desire. Sending a risky message is welcome. Surprise texts may be flying out as Mercury gently connects with Uranus at 4:04 PM, also on Saturday.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2023 - April 20, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of work and routine, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of your priorities. Pisces season brings your focus to how you can get away from it all, and how to make space in your life to prepare yourself for the unexpected. This full moon can be a culmination point of letting go of certain habits or tasks. Saturn enters your chart’s house of solitude, starting a three year period of fortification. Elders and authorities can act as a guide now. Or maybe it’s a time when you can sense that everything that you’ve spent a long time building is finally standing up straight!

Taurus: April 20, 2023 - May 21, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of leisure and pleasure, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of what makes you happy. This can be a very juicy, fun moment for you! Maybe you’re out and about, but then you have a sobering realization that you have to change directions. Soon after the full moon, Saturn enters your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, starting a three year period of commitment and loyalty to your future. While you have to have time for fun and games, your definition of what’s worth your while is changing! One last hurrah is in order, before it’s time to really dedicate yourself—like an astrological bachelor party.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 - June 21, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of home and family, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of your home life. Finally you’re getting some closure and clarity around what’s going on at home. Some specifics are being communicated. Saturn enters your chart’s house of fame and reputation, starting a three year period of hard work. You’re thinking about the long-term—five, ten year plans. If that’s too long of a time scale, where do you imagine yourself in three years, when this Saturn transit is over? You have the ambition to chase your dreams as Venus and Mars connect.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 - July 22, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s communication sector, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of what other people are saying. Maybe you’ve been able to give yourself some distance and time between conversations, so that you can really think things over. And now it’s time for you to share your feedback! An important exchange of ideas is taking place. Saturn enters your chart’s house of higher education and travel, starting a three year period of taking your beliefs seriously. Maybe this is a time when you’re giving up flying, and only want to take trains. Or maybe you’re less interested in going somewhere far away, and more interested in exploring your own locality.

Leo: July 22, 2023 - August 23, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of personal resources, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of your financial situation. Cashflow can seem endless, especially whenever you’re spoiled rotten! But this full moon has a budget outlined for you, giving you details and receipts. Saturn enters your chart’s house of shared resources, starting a three year period of understanding other people’s limits. A Leo’s ability to find cash and hustle seems impressively endless, but when Saturn changes signs, you might have to rethink your strategies, especially with the long-term in mind. Who do you want to invest in? At the end of it all, who do you want to receive your life’s work?

Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 23, 2023
The full moon in your sign connects you with your own thoughts, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of how you communicate and share your ideas with the world. Maybe you feel more comfortable with being candid now. Or maybe you’re saying things that you never thought you’d say out loud! With your planetary ruler Mercury in Pisces, it’s easy for you to find unusual or unconventional ways to express yourself, which can make for interesting conversations. Saturn enters your chart’s house of partnerships, starting a three year period of understanding other people’s limits, and what you don’t want to be committed to forever!

Libra: September 23, 2023 - October 23, 2023
The full moon illuminates a very secretive and private sector of your chart, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of the things in your life that you keep hidden. You might be ready to let go of a secret, so that it can be more clearly understood. Once the secret is out, you can feel like things are able to change. Saturn, the planet of limitations, enters your chart’s house of work and health, starting a three year period of dedicating yourself to your habits and routines. Saturn’s transit through this house is great for self restraint and quitting bad habits. What do you want to be rid of in the next three years?

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 - November 22, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of your vision for the future. You’re able to share your fantasies and ideas with the world, online and off. Maybe this is a time when your dreams are coming true, or something lovely is coming into fruition. Taskmaster Saturn enters your chart’s house of pleasure and creativity, starting a three year period of taking your happiness seriously. Maybe over the next three years you’re not so frivolous about who you spend your time with, and are ready to hold your dates to higher standards. Or maybe you’re now the one responsible for hosting game nights.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 - December 21, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of career and public reputation, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of where you stand. Your work is unique, and now is a time when you can fully embrace the special trail you’ve blazed for yourself. Your strangeness has paid off, so flaunt it. Saturn enters your chart’s house of home and family, starting a three year period of settling down. Maybe you’re trying to figure out exactly where you want to spend a long stretch of time. Or maybe you dream of being nomadic, trying to figure out how to get rid of everything so that you can have the most freedom possible. Whatever works for you, Sag.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024
The full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo illuminates your chart’s house of travel and higher education, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of your worldview. This can be a time when your plans are being materialized, or you’re finally fully matriculated into your coursework. Or maybe you have your mind made up about something, and you’re ready to share! Your planetary ruler, Saturn, enters your chart’s house of writing and education, starting a three year period of taking your thoughts and words very seriously. Maybe it’s a time when you commit to vocational education or learning a craft. What is a three year plan that you can stick to?

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023
The full moon illuminates a transformative and deeply intimate sector of your chart, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of what needs you share with others. This can be a moment of release or endings, as most full moons are, but for you, you may be ready to hand off the keys to someone else. Your planetary ruler, Saturn, enters your chart’s house of personal resources, starting a three year period of budgeting and maybe even frugality. You might look into taking a vow of poverty, or doing a money fast, or giving up shopping for a period of time. Not because you’re broke, but because you might not have the same drive to consume.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 - March 20, 2023
The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of partnerships, bringing you a more nuanced understanding of other people. There is a clear open channel of communication between you and others. Important conversations are taking place, and understandings are reached. The conversations can be long and roundabout. It might take a while to reach a conclusion, but at least there’s a smooth exchange! Taskmaster Saturn enters your sign, starting a three year period of self discipline and maturity. You will come out of the next three years rich in experience, and all the more wiser! Maybe this is a time when you are being seen as more of an authority, or someone responsible.