The Best White Noise Machines (for Sleeping Like You Have a Trust Fund)

December 9, 2022 Off By Nicolette Accardi

Does your partner snore louder than a fire truck? Unable to calm your anxious mind by the time your head hits the pillow? We want to help put you out of your misery. A melatonin gummy or midnight snack of chips and dip can only induce so many feelings of tranquility. Hell, our futile attempts to relax every night probably have no more effect on chilling out our overactive brain waves than when we down a couple Long Island iced teas right before calling it a night during a (yet another) wild weekend. One restful solution we can get behind though: white noise sleep machines.

Like any rational individual, we want to feel like we’re falling asleep in a country meadow, on the beach at Turks and Cacos, or in the middle of an enchanted rainforest. White noise machines give us a one-way ticket to dreamland, sans the $1,000 flight to Switzerland, beach resort membership or trip into the jungle (respectively). If you’re looking for a different way to drift off to dreamland, here are our editor’s picks for best white noise machines for sleeping like a baby.

Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine

This may be built for babies, but we aspire to sleep like we used to. It includes soothing sounds of white noise that radiate ocean, wind, fan, heartbeat, and rain vibes, all while featuring a time-to-rise function to signal when it’s time to wake up. To go full-on goo-goo, make sure to get good use out of its included smart night light that emits a calming glow.

LectroFan Evo Sound Machine

This popular LectroFan model has an impressive 4.6-star rating with over 28,000 customer reviews on Amazon. Block out the unfortunate firehouse you sleep next to at night with 10 unique fan sounds and white noise variations so you can finally experience peace.

YogaSleep Portable Machine

Do you have trouble bonking out while sharing a hotel room with your loud AF in-laws? Bring along this portable sleep machine by YogaSleep to help you achieve a baby-level snooze with volume ranging from “whisper-quiet” to “incredibly robust.” It also features three different soothing sounds: bright and deep white noise, and “gentle surf.”

Loftie Alarm Clock and Sound Machine

Instead of scrolling endlessly on TikTok once nighttime rolls around, indulge in restful slumber with adaptable soundscapes, meditations, and bedtime stories (if that’s your thing, no judgment) with this smart alarm clock from Loftie. The tranquility doesn’t stop there. Once the morning rolls around, kick off the day with breathwork, sound baths, and guided meditation in addition to its two-phase alarm that mimics your body’s natural waking process. In the words of our staff writer who took it for a spin, “If you’re tired of opening your smartphone first thing in the morning and getting assaulted by e-mails, Loftie is for you. If you watch eight-hour ASMR waterfall videos, you’ll like it, too.”

Snooze Smart White Noise Machine

Can’t unplug? Schedule out your meditative snooze with this machine that features a programmable, automatic timer. It has 10 different adjustable tones and volumes to tune out the world so you can find your *inner chakra*. You can also control the machine via app.

See ya in snooze land, kiddos.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.