Daily Horoscope: October 6, 2022
October 5, 2022We can feel especially imaginative and creative as the moon enters Pisces at 8:47 AM! This is a lovely moment to explore your spirituality or spend time meditating, journaling, or connecting with the elements. Take a relaxing bath, gaze at the stars and find inspiration, or sit by the fireplace with someone you love and discuss what’s on your hearts and minds! Important questions can be asked, and intriguing information shared, as Mercury in Virgo mingles with Pluto in Capricorn at 11:56 PM.
All times ET.
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Aries: March 20, 2022 - April 19, 2022
The moon enters Pisces today, encouraging you to slow down, rest, and catch up on quality time away from work. Mercury in analytical Virgo mingles with power planet Pluto in Capricorn, and you could be having a breakthrough discussion about your career.

Taurus: April 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022
Your focus turns to your social life as the moon enters Pisces today. Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, perhaps bringing a creative breakthrough. A new perspective could change everything!

Gemini: May 20, 2022 - June 21, 2022
The moon enters Pisces, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your career, and perhaps bringing fame and recognition! Your ruling planet Mercury, now in Virgo, connects with Pluto in Capricorn, and important information may be coming to light!

Cancer: June 21, 2022 - July 22, 2022
The moon enters fellow water sign Pisces, finding you in an adventurous mood. You may be exploring new opportunities! Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, and you and a partner could have a deep, meaningful discussion. This alignment bodes very well for research.

Leo: July 22, 2022 - August 22, 2022
The moon enters Pisces today, which can find you taking care of bills and settling debts. Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, and you’re having an important discussion about money or productivity: A breakthrough may arrive!

Virgo: August 22, 2022 - September 22, 2022
The moon enters your opposite sign Pisces, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, and deep, meaningful discussions can take place as your ruling planet Mercury, currently in your sign, connects with Pluto in Capricorn. A transformative conversation can be had.

Libra: September 22, 2022 - October 23, 2022
You can be eager to reorganize your schedule or your workspace as the moon enters Pisces. Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, perhaps finding you having a powerful discussion about the past, your personal life, or your emotions.

Scorpio: October 23, 2022 - November 22, 2022
The moon enters fellow water sign Pisces, inspiring fun, romance and creativity! Mercury in Virgo connects with your ruling planet Pluto, currently in Capricorn, which could find you learning intriguing information. You may be connecting with VIPs at this time.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2022 - December 21, 2022
The moon enters Pisces, which can find you focused on home and family life. Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, and you could be having a spiritual breakthrough or learning something secret.

Capricorn: December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022
The moon enters Pisces, lighting up the communication sector of your chart, and profound discussions take place as Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in your sign, Capricorn. A philosophical breakthrough can arrive!

Aquarius: January 19, 2022 - February 18, 2022
Your focus turns to themes like wealth, luxury, and comfort as the moon enters Pisces. A powerful breakthrough can help you let go of an old way of thinking or communicating as Mercury in Virgo mingles with Pluto in Capricorn. Intriguing information may surface.

Pisces: February 18, 2022 - March 20, 2022
The moon enters your sign today, Pisces! Make time to connect with your emotions and pamper yourself. Communication planet Mercury in Virgo lights up the relationship sector of your chart and Mercury connects with Pluto in Capricorn, which can find you and your partners having deep, meaningful discussions!