Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, October 2022

October 1, 2022 Off By Annabel Gat

October opens with the sun in relationship-oriented Libra, finding you having important discussions with your partners (in love, business, or otherwise) about your responsibilities to one another. Money in particular can be an important topic as you and your partners work out how to share resources, and approach topics like bills, debts, taxes, and inheritances.

Venus in Libra opposes your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries on October 1, may boding well for conversations about finances, and inspiring a connected, open-hearted atmosphere. People are in a very generous mood at this time and gifts may be exchanged. Just be careful not to overspend: Jupiter is all about growth, but also excess, so keep your finances in check. 

Mercury retrograde in Virgo ends on October 2, finding you and your partners moving forward with ideas and discussions you’ve been mulling over and reworking over the last few weeks. Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn on October 6, and you may be revisiting discussions that took place on August 22 and September 27. Research that happened then may become relevant now! You could be connecting with some VIPs at this time, too. Excitement pops up in your social life, especially on October 8 as Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn. The dynamic in your social circle can shift in some significant way, which could mean drama or teamwork. There can be amazing momentum toward a goal.

Your focus is on finances during the full moon in Aries on October 9. Aries is a fire sign that’s all about independence, and you’re striking out on your own in some way at this time, dear Pisces. Mercury reenters Libra after its retrograde on October 10, finally helping discussions about money move forward. Between the full moon in Aries and Mercury in Libra, big realizations and discussions about your belongings, income, shared resources, and your financial plans take place. The sun makes a helpful connection with taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius on October 11 and sharing money, making future plans, and organizing belongings can be difficult, but you feel supported to have real conversations that explore your limits and expectations.

Things might feel a little confusing at home as Mars in Gemini squares off with your ruling planet Neptune in Pisces on October 12. There may be a lazy energy in the air. You could feel directionless, nostalgic, or irritated about choices you may need to make—but you may not be in a total funk as Mercury opposes your other ruling planet Jupiter, too. The mood might be open-minded and optimistic, even if there’s a touch of confusion or laziness. Be mindful of fibs or shady behavior, and be firm about your boundaries.

Discussions that took place on September 2 and September 18 may be revisited at this time. Good news could arrive, but don’t rush into celebrating anything until you see it in writing. This is not to say you should be pessimistic, but some skepticism might be wise. Venus connects with Saturn on October 14, helping you stay grounded! A feeling of support and security is in the air. A boost in confidence arrives as the sun connects with Mars on October 17, and creative inspiration flows as Venus connects with Mars on October 18. You’re in touch with your feelings at this time and might have a sense of outgrowing the past, and are ready to move forward! 

The sun squares off with Pluto on October 19 and Venus squares off with Pluto on October 20, which might bring power struggles. Egos can clash at this time and complicated feelings like envy and greed surface. There might be drama in your social life. People might try to manipulate each other with money or clout, and you may not be willing to look past this kind of behavior. It could be time to take action and resolve these issues, set boundaries, and change the dynamic! It may be difficult and bring up intense feelings, but you don’t have to do it alone; enlist a qualified therapist to help, and check in with your friends. 

The sun meets Venus on October 22, and you may be settling a debt or creating a fresh start in some way. It’s a lovely time for forgiveness. You and a partner can have a realization about what’s truly important to you both! Also on October 22, Mercury connects with Saturn, inspiring a grounded, focused atmosphere that’s fantastic for dealing with details, making plans, and discussing commitments. October 23 marks the end of Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius and you may be ready to set important boundaries around time to rest and relax. You may have some interesting dreams, and feel pulled to connect with your spirituality or explore your psyche with a therapist.

Adventure is also on the way as Venus and the sun enter Scorpio: This is an exciting time of year for you, dear Pisces! Venus in Scorpio can find you and your partners connecting in a deep, intellectual way, and the sun in Scorpio could find you planning a trip abroad, focusing on your studies, or publishing your ideas. The solar eclipse in Scorpio takes place on October 25, and you’re embarking on a life-changing journey! You may learn an idea or visit a place that deeply impacts your spirit. Eclipses can bring radical changes and might also be tiring or emotional, so don’t overbook your schedule and make time for rest and relaxation. 

Conversations move along quickly, especially about your home or family, as Mercury connects with Mars on October 26. Intense discussions take place as Mercury squares off with Pluto on October 27. Investigations might take a surprising turn at this time. Your ruling planet Jupiter reenters your sign, Pisces, on October 28, and you’re feeling revitalized. You’re ready to expand in new ways, break out of your comfort zone, and be your most adventurous self!

You’re inspired to find new ways to express yourself creatively. You may be feeling more at ease with yourself in your relationships and generally like you have more breathing room; like there’s space to explore, emote, create, and simply exist! Mercury enters Scorpio on October 29, perhaps bringing news from afar. Mercury in Scorpio bodes well for your studies and could also be helpful for long-term, big-picture planning. 

Mars retrograde in Gemini begins on October 30, which might find you reworking plans for a move or renovation. This could also play out emotionally as you address deep wishes, anger, or other complicated feelings about your past, family, or personal life. Mars is the planet of action, but during its retrograde, we’re called to examine our motivations and our relationship with Mars-ruled themes, like anger, willpower, courage, and independence. By the time this retrograde ends on January 12, you’ll have a much better idea of what you want, and how to deal with issues at home, with family, and in your personal life. 

Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in November!