Weekly Horoscope: July 11 – 17

July 10, 2022 Off By Randon Rosenbohm

On Wednesday, July 13, love planet Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of rules, at 12:27 AM. Commitments are moving forward with patience, rejections are accepted. Something beautiful can crystallize from knowing the limits. 

Speaking of limits, the Capricorn full moon falls on Wednesday at 2:37 PM. This full moon comes with an awareness of the structures that protect what’s precious. Full moons represent endings, and this one, ruled by Saturn, has a sense of finality to it.

Thoughts are racing as Mercury, the planet of the mind, connects with inventive Uranus at 8:16 PM: Take extra care to wind down before bed and not drink too much caffeine, or too late in the day—this aspect is wired! Brilliant ideas flow. Full moons are typically high energy, and this one can be mentally erratic.

Relationship mythologies are generated as Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of illusions at 12:27 AM on Thursday, July 14—watch out for any distorted sense of self-image, as people can be extra sensitive about how they look. Relationships turn based on playful fantasies.

Messages flow as Mercury meets the sun on Saturday, July 16, at 3:37 PM. If you’re waiting for a message or clarification, it should come at this time! Minds melt together as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune at 3:52 AM on Sunday, July 17. Imagining what other people might think can happen too effortlessly. This is fantastic for writing fiction or creating characters, but the only way to really know is to ask—not assume.

All times ET.

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Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2022 - April 19, 2022

Public projects are coming to a close as the full moon in Capricorn illuminates your chart’s house of career and reputation. This can be a time when you are releasing something into the world, or sharing something private after some discernment. Mercury meets with the sun, bringing messages about your home and family life. Communication around domestic issues is clear, though there is some space to daydream. Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, which brings up nostalgic and sentimental memories of the past.

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022

Your values are reflected in your relationships as your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of high standards. You’re willing to take your time to get the best possible benefits. The full moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn illuminates your chart’s house of beliefs and higher education, encouraging you to share your ideas. This might also bring some legal or official issues to completion. You have a lot of funny and surprising commentary as Mercury connects to quirky Uranus. Your imagination is overactive, running on fantasies of an ideal future, as Venus squares Neptune. Mercury meets with the sun, clarifying ideas—there’s lots of talking and messaging happening right now!

Gemini glyph

Gemini: May 20, 2022 - June 21, 2022

You’re making peace with limits as harmonious Venus connects with Saturn, the planet of boundaries. Something beautiful comes from temporality. You may have found the way to beat the clock, or at least charm it! The full moon illuminates your chart’s financial axis, which can correspond with a payment of debts, or becoming aware of how you contribute or share with others. You’re coming up with some strange ideas as your planetary ruler Mercury connects with Uranus. There can be some changes to your style or way of expression as Venus clashes with Neptune, bringing up questions about aesthetics and fashion—it’s like playing dress-up or trying on new clothes! Your planetary ruler Mercury meets the sun, bringing new understanding and clarity about money.

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2022 - July 22, 2022

You’re connecting with the important people in your life as the full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of relationships. This can be a climatic moment where firm boundaries are set. Or maybe you’re eager to express your gratitude and commitment to the most important people who support you. Maturity and responsibility are key in partnerships. You likely have a unique and stylish way of expressing your complex, dynamic feelings as Mercury connects with Uranus, the planet of freedom. It can feel good to get it off your chest, but it might catch people off-guard. The sun meets Mercury, bringing a better understanding of who you are and how you want to express yourself. Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, and you’re able to channel divine messages. What you intuit and believe about the world colors everything you say!

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2022 - August 22, 2022

You’re able to express your devotion effortlessly as love planet Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of commitments. Tough conversations are handled with care and respect and there is an ability to make promises that are kept and honored. The full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of service, which can find important work and health matters reaching completion. This is a time to tune into your body and make sure you’re making enough time to care for it. Try to be gentle with whatever media you’re consuming, especially close to bedtime. As Mercury connects with Uranus, things that you witness on a collective or political level are stimulating your mind. This can interfere with a healthy sleep schedule. Mercury, the planet of communication, meets the sun, revealing messages from your unconscious mind.

Virgo glyph

Virgo: August 22, 2022 - September 22, 2022

Your desire to be appreciated by the pubic motivates you to put in the hours as Venus harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn. A vision of being adored by fans, or being respected and skilled in your field, keeps you going and helps you sustain your focus and commitment. The full moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn shows you what your heart truly desires. This dead honesty can motivate you to let go of boring  friendships, bad Tinder dates, or certain ways of socializing that simply aren’t sophisticated. You could also be feeling extra grateful for the support you receive from the people who have stuck around longest. Your planetary ruler Mercury meets with the sun, beginning a new cycle in your hopes and dreams. New goals are unlocked. You’re vibing with your friends and partners on a soul level as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, inspiring you to believe in people and the future that they represent.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 22, 2022 - October 23, 2022

Relationships effortlessly match your morals as Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of rules. Elegantly refusing connections that don’t fit isn’t snobby, it’s making space and time for the ones that feel right. Being alone can be more pleasant than being with company that doesn’t get it. This can also be a time when your ideas and feelings are being smoothed out and solidified. The full moon in Capricorn draws your attention to your home and family life, and can put you in touch with your roots. There’s a longing for privacy and safety. Mercury meets with the sun, bringing clarity and a newsflash about your career, how you want to be seen and read by the public eye.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2022 - November 22, 2022

There is trust that reaches beyond limits as love planet Venus creates a harmonious connection with Saturn, the planet of boundaries and restraint. A desire for intimacy and closeness can ultimately create more trust in the outcome of love. This can feel like a promise, or like limits are being stretched so that good things can last longer. The full moon in Capricorn helps conversations reach a conclusion as it illuminates your chart’s house of communication, bringing closure. You’re able to understand and make peace with other people’s quirks and idiosyncrasies as Mercury connects with Uranus. Mercury meets with the sun, and divine messages are being channeled. This can be a revelatory moment for understanding what you believe in and stand for, politically and spiritually.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius: November 22, 2022 - December 21, 2022

Promises are being made to keep as love planet Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of commitments. Any agreements made right now feel favorable for all parties involved. It’s easy to discuss taboo or difficult topics without it getting vulgar or unpleasant. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your chart’s financial axis, making you extremely aware of stuff and things. This could find you ready to say goodbye to items that have run their course and rehouse your goods. Maybe you’re ready to let go of limiting, greedy attitudes towards money and wealth. Relationships get a spark of fantasy as Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of illusions—other people aren’t who you make them out to be. Mercury, the planet of communication, meets with the sun, giving you a better understanding of how to share and receive.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022

Your stern planetary ruler Saturn receives a hopeful aspect from Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Your sweat and toil is being recognized and admired—the perks of a job well done! The full moon in your sign finds you extra sensitive about relationships and how other people make you feel in your body. Perhaps you don’t have time for people who make you feel stiff or uncomfortable, and are ready to give them the cold shoulder—or maybe you have lovely, inspiring people in your life who help thaw you out and open up your heart. Conversations about crushes, friendships, and creative self-expression are new and mentally stimulating as Mercury connects with inventive Uranus. You’re gaining clarity about your relationships and interpersonal commitments as Mercury meets the sun. This glaringly obvious message helps you understand others and express empathy.

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 19, 2022 - February 18, 2022

The planet of love, Venus, harmonizes with your planetary ruler Saturn, which can feel like a blessing! There’s a peaceful faith that you are doing what is right, even if it’s unconventional. You might even find some pleasure in being the odd one out, and shape your worldview around it. The full moon falls in a secretive sector of your chart, which surfaces topics that typically go under the radar. Maybe some secrets are revealed. It’s as good a time as ever for a mental health check-in, to peek behind the veil. The planet of communication, Mercury, meets the sun, bringing you a better understanding of your schedule and responsibilities. Take a moment to draft a few time tables, and figure out what you can actually commit to, so that you can give appropriate answers to those who ask.

Pisces glyph

Pisces: February 18, 2022 - March 20, 2022

Venus, the planet of love, harmonizes with Saturn, which can help you gain a better understanding of what scares you in relationships. Naming the fears—or finding their origins—can help you overcome them and ultimately build strong, lasting relationships. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, which can make you feel accomplished or ambitious! It’s possible that an objective has been completed, and it’s time to strategize for the long haul. You’re finding new dimensions of your beauty and aesthetic vibe as Venus clashes with Neptune. Mercury, the planet of communication, meets the sun, bringing you a better understanding of what makes you happy, and how you can express your feelings in a constructive or orderly way. You can shake off, forgive, or dismiss any stale memories as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune. Or maybe nostalgia becomes an endless source of creative inspiration!