Daily Horoscope: March 3, 2022
March 2, 2022Action planet Mars meets the planet of power, Pluto, in Capricorn at 3:43 AM, and it’s a potent moment to strategize. The moon meets Neptune in Pisces at 6:37 AM, inspiring creativity. Deep connections can form as sweet Venus meets Pluto at 12:56 PM. The moon connects with Pluto at 4:03 PM, Venus at 4:15 PM, and then Mars at 4:45 PM, encouraging us to be honest about our feelings, and we’re feeling courageous and free-spirited as the moon enters Aries at 7:52 PM.
All times ET.

Your ruling planet Mars and sweet, lovely Venus meet the planet of the underworld, Pluto, in Capricorn, stirring up deep and intense emotions. A powerful shift may be taking place in your career. The moon enters your sign, encouraging you to connect with your feelings and focus on self love.

Mars and your ruling planet Venus meet Pluto in fellow earth sign Capricorn today, which may find you having intense, deep conversations with your partners. The moon also enters Aries, encouraging you to catch up on rest.

Mars and Venus meet Pluto in Capricorn today, which may stir up intense conversations about money and shared resources. The moon enters Aries, also bringing your focus to your social life.

Mars, Venus, and Pluto align in your opposite sign Capricorn today, making for an intense and transformative moment in your relationships. Your focus turns to your career as the moon enters Aries.

Questions concerning worth, value, and power arise as Mars and Venus meet Pluto in Capricorn. Money and relationships can be a focus at this time. The moon enters fellow fire sign Aries, which could bring new opportunities your way!

Warrior planet Mars and lovely Venus connect with power planet Pluto in Capricorn today, stirring up a hugely passionate atmosphere. Creativity surges. The moon enters Aries, bringing your focus to finances.

Mars and your ruling planet Venus connect with Pluto in Capricorn, which can inspire big changes at home and in your personal life. Your focus is on relationships as the moon enters Aries; it’s a powerful day for connection.

Mars, Venus, and Pluto all align today in Capricorn, which may find you having an intense and transformative conversation. Mars and Pluto are your ruling planets, and their meeting can be a powerful new start for you. The moon enters Aries, helping you get your schedule organized.

Important financial decisions can take place today as Mars, Venus, and Pluto meet in Capricorn. The moon enters fellow fire sign Aries, inspiring you to have fun, flirt, and make art!

Mars, Venus, and Pluto all align in your sign today, Capricorn, which can find you feeling especially magnetic! A deep transformation may be taking place in your life. The moon enters Aries, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart.

It’s a powerful time to explore your psyche as Mars, Venus, and Pluto meet in Capricorn. Helping you put words to today’s complicated feelings is the moon’s entry into fire sign Aries.

Important shifts may be taking place in your social life as Mars, Venus, and Pluto all meet in Capricorn today. The moon enters Aries, bringing your focus to finances.
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