Daily Horoscope: February 7, 2022

February 6, 2022 Off By Annabel Gat

The moon in Taurus connects with Jupiter in Pisces at 10:58 AM, inspiring generosity, and our energy levels perk up as the moon connects with fiery Mars in Capricorn at 2:12 PM. The moon meets Uranus in Taurus at 3:22 PM, which could bring some surprises, and the moon connects with Venus in Capricorn at 7:00 PM, creating a sweet and affectionate atmosphere.

All times ET.


The moon in Taurus makes a harmonious connection with your ruling planet Mars in industrious Capricorn, boding well for wealth and productivity!


The moon is in your sign today, Taurus, encouraging you to get in touch with your feelings. The moon connects with your ruling planet Venus in fellow earth sign Capricorn, inspiring a romantic atmosphere.


The moon in Taurus encourages you to slow down and rest, but some unexpected flashes of inspiration or creative energy may arrive as the moon meets electric Uranus, also in Taurus.


The moon in Taurus lights up the friendship sector of your chart today, and you may be connecting with some especially unexpected, brilliant, or eccentric folks as the moon meets wildcard Uranus in Taurus.


Your focus is on your career today as the moon moves through Taurus. Easy energy flows as the moon mingles with Venus in Capricorn, inspiring productivity and helpfulness.


The moon is in fellow earth sign Taurus today, finding you eager to plan your next adventure. You’re in the mood to go someplace totally unexpected as the moon meets wildcard Uranus in Taurus. A flirtatious energy flows as the moon mingles with Venus in Capricorn.


Sharing is a big theme today as the moon moves through Taurus, and the mood is sweet, affectionate, and even a touch nostalgic as the moon mingles with your ruling planet Venus in Capricorn.


The moon is in your opposite sign Taurus today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, and an easy energy flows around communication as the moon connects with sweet Venus in Capricorn.


You’re busy handling your to-do list and getting organized as the moon moves trough Taurus. A gift could come your way as the moon mingles with Venus in Capricorn!


The moon is in fellow earth sign Taurus today, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart, and the mood is especially affectionate as the moon mingles with sweet Venus, which is currently in your sign.


The moon in Taurus illuminates the home and family sector of your chart today, and as it meets with your ruling planet Uranus, also in Taurus, it’s an exciting time to switch things up at home!


The moon in Taurus lights up the communication sector of your chart today, and the energy in open-minded and generous as the moon mingles with your ruling planet Jupiter, which is currently in your sign. You may have a lot to share today!

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