Daily Horoscope: January 30, 2022
January 29, 2022The sun in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus at 2:32 PM, which could bring surprises or find us itching for freedom. The old way of doing things may not work anymore! The moon in Capricorn connects with Neptune in Pisces at 2:48 PM, inspiring our imaginations, and the moon meets Mercury retrograde in Capricorn at 9:26 PM, finding us in an introspective mood. The moon meets Pluto in Capricorn at 11:44 PM, stirring up deep, intense emotions!
All times ET.

An unexpected change may take place as the sun in Aquarius squares off with wildcard Uranus in Taurus. You might reconsider your investments (financial, energetic, or otherwise) in a plan.

Aquarius season finds you focused on your career, and you may be eager to make an unexpected change in your plans today as the sun squares off with electric Uranus, which is currently in your sign.

A surprising twist might take place today as the sun in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. Pay close attention to your inner voice, and carve out extra time to rest.

The sun in Aquarius squares off with wildcard Uranus in Taurus today, which could find you connecting with unexpected people or ideas. Keep your plans flexible!

Surprises may take place today as the sun in your opposite sign Aquarius squares off with unruly Uranus in Taurus. There might be a change in plans regarding your work.

The sun in Aquarius finds you in a busy mood, but rescheduling could pop up today as the sun squares off with Uranus in Taurus. Keep your plans flexible. Unexpected adventures can take place!

The sun in fellow air sign Aquarius finds you in a flirtatious and playful mood—but the sun squares off with Uranus in Taurus today, which could find you confronting unexpected expectations.

Unexpected shifts may be taking place in your personal life as the sun in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. Stay flexible and be open to experimentation! Amazing changes can take place.

You’re all about freedom and flexibility, Sagittarius. If things have been too rigid, they may break apart as the sun in experimental Aquarius squares off with wildcard Uranus in Taurus.

Surprises concerning money or other resources may pop up today as the sun in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. An unexpected gift could arrive. Stay flexible!

The sun, currently in your zodiac sign, squares off with your ruling planet Uranus, currently in Taurus, which may bring unexpected shifts at home. You’re ready to try something new!

The sun in Aquarius squares off with wildcard Uranus in Taurus, which may find you learning some unexpected information or having a sudden and brilliant insight.
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