Daily Horoscope: January 29, 2022
January 28, 2022Venus, currently in Capricorn, ends its retrograde today at 3:36 AM. The last few weeks may have found us feeling more intense than usual, perhaps reconsidering our values, wants, and needs. It’s time to move forward with all we have learned! The moon enters Capricorn at 4:09 AM, inspiring a grounded, focused atmosphere, and we’re feeling energized as the moon meets Mars in Capricorn at 10:10 AM. The moon connects with Jupiter in Pisces at 3:03 PM, inspiring generosity, and we’re in the mood for something new as the moon connects with Uranus in Taurus at 9:47 PM.
All times ET.

The last few weeks have likely taught you some lessons about what's important to you regarding your career. Now that Venus retrograde in Capricorn is over, you’re getting a sense of how to implement what you’ve learned.

Your ruling planet Venus has been retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn, but that ends today. You’ve likely learned a lot about other perspectives, and you’re integrating what that means for your own values and desires.

Over the last few weeks, you may have learned a lot about your expectations from others, especially when it comes to money or other resources. Venus retrograde ending in Capricorn today finds you moving forward with those lessons.

Venus ends its retrograde in your opposite sign Capricorn today, finding you moving forward with important lessons you have learned about your partners, relationships, values, and desires.

Over the last few weeks, you may have given yourself a makeover, reorganized your schedule, or realized which responsibilities you’re willing—and not willing—to take on. You’re ready to move forward with these shifts as Venus ends its retrograde in Capricorn today.

Venus ends its retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn today, finding you ready to move forward with the important lessons you’ve learned concerning love, beauty, money, and happiness over the last few weeks.

Your ruling planet Venus ends its retrograde in Capricorn today. You may have redecorated your home or reconnected with loved ones during this time, and intense feelings about your personal space may have arose, teaching you important lessons about where you want to call home or who you want in your personal sphere.

Venus retrograde ends in Capricorn today. Over the last few weeks you may have had some intense conversations about love and money, but you’ve learned important information about your values, especially regarding communication, too.

Important lessons about your values, money, and security have been learned over the last few weeks, and you’re ready to move forward with all you know as Venus ends its retrograde in Capricorn.

You’ve discovered much about your sense of self-worth, values, and desires as Venus was retrograde in your sign. Venus retrograde ends today, and you’re moving forward with what you’ve learned.

Hidden desires and intense emotions have been explored over the last few weeks while Venus was retrograde in Capricorn. The retrograde ends today, encouraging you to integrate the discoveries you’ve made about your most personal values.

Your hopes and dreams for the future may have undergone an interesting shift over the last few weeks. Your values regarding friendship could have evolved. You’re ready to move forward with all you’ve learned as Venus ends its retrograde in Capricorn today.
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