Daily Horoscope: December 19, 2021
December 18, 2021Possibilities abound as the moon in Gemini mingles with Jupiter in Aquarius at 1:02 AM: The mood is open-minded and generous! The moon enters water sign Cancer at 4:42 AM, inspiring a nurturing and protective atmosphere.
Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn at 5:36 AM, finding us rethinking what’s truly meaningful. Venus is the planet of love, money, beauty, and also our values. While Venus is retrograde, we might feel more intense about these themes! Venus’s usual playful, light-hearted, and flirtatious approach to things becomes heavier, firm, and more focused, especially in a no B.S. earth sign like Capricorn. We may take a new approach to how we manage our belongings and money, our boundaries in relationships, and our taste or style may be evolving. The sun connects with Jupiter at 7:32 PM, bringing a boost of confidence.
All times ET.

Your focus turns to home and family as the moon enters Cancer. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, finding you rethinking what’s important when it comes to your future. You may be connecting with inspiring people as the sun mingles with Jupiter in Aquarius.

The moon enters Cancer and lights up the communication sector of your chart, possibly bringing news your way. Your ruling planet Venus begins its retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn, which could find you feeling more cautious with communication. Your philosophies about love and money may be changing. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, boding well for your career.

Your focus turns to money as the moon enters Cancer. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, finding you rethinking how you approach finances with your partners. You may be eager to settle debts at this time. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, encouraging open communication in your relationship.

The moon enters your sign today, Cancer, encouraging you to focus on nourishing yourself emotionally and physically! Venus retrograde begins in your opposite sign Capricorn, finding you and your partners reconsidering what’s important to you both. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a productive atmosphere.

The moon enters Cancer, encouraging you to slow down and rest. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, finding you reconsidering how you want to organize your day-to-day routine. Scheduling issues in your partnerships can be addressed. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring romance and creativity!

Your focus turns to your social life today as the moon enters Cancer. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, encouraging you to reconnect with your creativity. This is a powerful time in your love life as you’re sorting out what’s truly meaningful to you when it comes to passion. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring a warm, open energy at home.

Your focus turns to your career as the moon enters Cancer. Your ruling planet Venus begins its retrograde in Capricorn and you may be moving or redecorating. Money as it involves your family or home could be a big focus at this time. You may be considering how much you want to let your partners into your home and family life. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, inspiring open communication.

The moon enters Cancer, and you’re feeling open-minded, eager to try new things. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, and you’re feeling quite intense about the importance of communication in your partnerships. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing a dash of luck!

The moon enters Cancer, bringing your attention to finances, especially themes like debts, taxes, or money you share with partners. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, which could find you transforming your approach to money. The sun connects with your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Aquarius, inspiring open communication.

The moon enters your opposite sign Cancer, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart. You’re reconsidering what’s truly meaningful to you in the realm of love, money, and beauty as Venus begins its retrograde in your sign. The sun connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, which could bring a big boost to your intuition.

The moon enters Cancer, encouraging you to reflect on your daily routine. Venus retrograde begins in Capricorn, finding you feeling quite private about issues regarding love and money. This is a powerful time to explore your desires and fantasies. The sun connects with Jupiter in your sign, Aquarius, which can find you connecting with inspiring people.

The moon enters fellow water sign Cancer, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! Make time to enjoy yourself, Pisces. You’re reconsidering who you want to be in community with as Venus begins its retrograde in Capricorn. The sun also connects with your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Aquarius, which bodes well for your career!
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