Daily Horoscope: November 13, 2021
November 12, 2021The moon in Pisces connects with Mercury in Scorpio at 12:23 AM, encouraging communication. Surprises may arrive as the moon mingles with Uranus in Taurus at 1:44 AM. Mercury opposes Uranus at 10:57 AM, inspiring creative breakthroughs, but perhaps also bringing scheduling mix-ups and other unexpected surprises. The moon and Neptune meet in Pisces at 4:46 PM, encouraging us to connect with our intuitions, and we’re feeling confident as the moon connects with the sun in Scorpio at 7:19 PM.
All times ET.

Communication planet Mercury is in Scorpio, finding you asking difficult questions. Mercury opposes wildcard Uranus in Taurus, and the answers you seek might surface in an unexpected way! Important conversations about money take place.

Chatty Mercury is in your opposite sign Scorpio, kicking up communication in your relationships. Today, it opposes Uranus, which is currently in your sign, finding you having some unexpected conversations.

Your ruling planet Mercury, currently in Scorpio, opposes wildcard Uranus in Taurus today, which could find you making an unexpected change to your schedule. Keep your plans flexible at this time.

Unexpected drama could unfold in your social life as Mercury in fellow water sign Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Some surprising news might surface, too!

Unexpected shifts are taking place as Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. A eureka moment could find you thinking about life in a different way.

Unexpected news may arrive as your ruling planet Mercury, currently in Scorpio, opposes wildcard Uranus in fellow earth sign Taurus. A surprising change in plans takes place.

Unexpected news about money may arrive as Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Stay flexible and open-minded today. The moon in Pisces encourages you to spend time in nature or meditation.

Mercury is in your sign, Scorpio, finding you in an inquisitive mood. Surprising answers to important questions can arrive as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected meetings take place.

An unexpected change to your routine may take place today as Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Keep your plans flexible, and prioritize rest!

A eureka moment may arrive as the planet of the mind, Mercury, in Scorpio, opposes electric Uranus in fellow earth sign Taurus. A bit of drama might pop up, too.

An important realization could find you making unexpected changes as Mercury in Scorpio opposes your ruling planet Uranus, which is currently in Taurus. Changes take place at home.

Brilliant ideas and unexpected news can arrive as Mercury in fellow water sign Scorpio opposes wildcard Uranus in Taurus. The moon is in your sign, Pisces, encouraging you to focus on self love!
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