Daily Horoscope: October 8, 2021
October 7, 2021The sun meets Mars in Libra at 12:01 AM, inspiring fearlessness and determination toward meeting our goals. The moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 9:00 AM, which could stir up some unexpected feelings. The moon connects with dreamy Neptune in water sign Pisces at 8:53 PM, inspiring creativity. The moon squares off with Jupiter in Aquarius at 11:04 PM—watch out for over-indulgence!
All times ET.

The sun meets your ruling planet Mars in Libra, activating the relationship sector of your chart: A passionate energy flows, and you may find that your partners are especially straightforward at this time!

The sun and Mars meet in Libra, bringing a big boost of energy to tackle your chores and get organized. The energy is highly productive. You’re also focused on your relationships today as the moon moves through your opposite sign Scorpio.

The sun and Mars meet in fellow air sign Libra, creating a hugely passionate—and assertive—mood! It’s an exciting time in your love life and creative pursuits. The moon in Scorpio inspires creativity and productivity, too!

The sun and Mars meet in Libra, activating the home and family sector of your chart, which may find you moving, renovating, or addressing issues with roommates or family. You’re also in a playful mood as the moon moves through Scorpio, inspiring creativity and romance!

Straight-to-the-point conversations take place as the sun meets Mars in Libra—but Mercury is retrograde, so remember that things may still be revised. The moon in Scorpio also finds you focused on your home and family life.

A new journey concerning money, security, and comfort (and how you acquire it all) begins as the sun meets Mars in Libra. The moon in Scorpio brings information your way.

The sun and Mars meet in your sign today, Libra, encouraging confidence and strength! You’re ready to take on your wildest dreams. The moon in Scorpio also finds you focused on money and security.

You may feel too inspired to rest, or find that your intuition is especially sharp, as the sun and Mars meet in Libra. The moon is in your sign, Scorpio, encouraging you to get in touch with your emotions.

A new cycle begins in your social life as the sun and Mars meet in Libra—but first, you may want to catch up on rest as the moon moves through sensitive water sign Scorpio.

A new cycle in your career begins as the sun and Mars meet in Libra. You’re feeling re-energized to reach your goals! The moon in Scorpio also lights up the sector of your chart that rules your social life, making it an exciting time to network.

The sun meets action planet Mars in fellow air sign Libra, finding you embarking on a new journey. You may be traveling or starting an exciting course of study! The moon in Scorpio also finds you focused on your career.

The sun meets Mars in Libra, creating a powerful energy for settling debts and gaining closure. It’s time to cut free from the past, dear Pisces. The moon in Scorpio could bring new opportunities your way!
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