Daily Horoscope: August 23, 2021
August 23, 2021The moon is in psychedelic water sign Pisces. Love planet Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of commitment, at 8:48 AM, making agreements pleasant and fair. Look out for surprises as the moon connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, at 11:04 AM. The moon faces off with action planet Mars at 12:42 PM, a check-in moment for adjusting your course of action!
All times ET.

The moon in a secretive sector of your chart puts you in touch with things that are off the grid. Good rest can be had. You’re bonding with your friends and community as Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of responsibilities. You’ll want to spend time with people you know you can trust, and to cultivate friendships with longevity and integrity. The moon faces off with your planetary ruler Mars, and you’re balancing your ambitions with your need to rest and take care of your mind palace.

You’re feeling social and bubbly with the moon in your chart’s house of friendship and community. Your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of commitment. It feels good to have a purpose and to be of use! You’re having an easy time taking on your job. You may be seeing the person that you want to age into, and taking responsibility for your future—not in an overly-ambitious way, just in a “making peace with the nature of time” way. Look out for friend group drama as the moon faces off with Mars.

The moon in fellow mutable sign Pisces has you in high demand. There are groups of people to connect with related to your legacy. The moon connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, implying surprises in your career and public life. You can’t even imagine what the future holds, so don’t worry! The moon faces off with action planet Mars, which has you dropping off baggage to address your home life, which is your top priority during Virgo season.

The moon in fellow water sign Pisces brings spiritual and curious vibes. This is a time to connect with things beyond your immediate bubble and indulge in some intuitive exploration. The planet of relationships, Venus, harmonizes with Saturn, and deep, trusting bonds are formed with your family and partners. This effortlessly favors relationships that are authentic and dignified. The sensitive, vulnerable information that you’re learning will only build trust, or better boundaries!

Your emotions reveal more about your perception than objective reality. The moon is in a sensitive, psychic sector of your chart, but your imagination is extra strong, so think happy thoughts, Leo! The planet of relationships and beauty, Venus, harmonizes with serious Saturn, finding you looking at your agreements with a discerning eye. This is a very favorable aspect for contracts and agreements, verbal or written, since everyone should feel like they’re getting a fair deal.

The moon in your chart’s house of relationships and interpersonal commitments clues you into the needs and emotions of others. The moon faces off with action planet Mars, which can bring confrontations and a need to reach a truce. The moon connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, making it hard to be anything but open-minded when talking it out. Venus harmonizes with Saturn and hard boundaries are easily understood, if not desirable.

The moon in your chart’s house of work and routine has you on a tight schedule. You’re going to have to readjust your priorities as the moon faces off with action planet Mars, showing you that you might not have enough time to do it all! Look out for money blips as the moon connects with Uranus, the planet of surprises. Venus harmonizes with Saturn, making it hard for you to entertain anything that you simply don’y have time for!

The moon in fellow water sign Pisces puts you in a flirtatious and creative mood! The moon faces off with your planetary ruler Mars, which is a big “fight or fuck” vibe. The moon connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, bringing surprising conversations in your relationships. There are opportunities to try something completely different, and you’re welcoming interesting people into your personal party.

The moon in fellow mutable sign Pisces puts you in a cozy, restful mood. There’s a lot of momentum going into Virgo season, and you’re in high demand! The Pisces moon helps you check in with your body and see what needs to cool off, and how you can take time to rest. The moon faces off with action planet Mars, pumping the breaks.

The moon in your chart’s house of communication and commuting has you in a busy mood. There are chores to do and messages to send. There may be some uncomfortable or confrontational conversations as the moon faces off with action planet Mars. Venus harmonizes with your planetary ruler Saturn, which can have positive implications for your payroll and self-esteem. You can feel truly good about yourself if it’s rooted in something with integrity and purpose.

The moon in your chart’s house of money and personal resources shows you what you have to share! The moon faces off with action planet Mars, which can result in paying off a debt or making an impulsive purchase. Venus harmonizes with your planetary ruler Saturn, bringing progress to your standards and commitments. You’ve learned about what you enjoy and what you value, and you’re ready to embody it—or it feels as though you’re already doing just that! It won’t take much effort to make it happen. It’s like the charcoal has finally become a diamond.

The moon in your sign connects you to your body’s needs. You’re more sensitive, but also ready to bring awareness to your feelings and form! The moon faces off with action planet Mars, bringing some exciting meetings. The moon connects with Uranus, the planet of surprises, so things have a serendipity to them! You’re surprising yourself with what you have the time and energy to participate in. Or maybe you get an invite that you’re comfortable declining!
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