Daily Horoscope: August 22, 2021
August 22, 2021Action planet Mars harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, at 2:37 AM, taking us to surprising places! The moon in analytical air sign Aquarius meets with philosophical Jupiter at 3:18 AM, overfilling our cups! The full moon arrives at 8:01 AM, asking us to be less like them and more like us. The moon enters water sign Pisces at 8:42 AM, linking us to the collective. Virgo season begins at 5:34 PM, bringing back-to-school vibes.
All times ET.

Your planetary ruler Mars harmonizes with Uranus, making you eager to break out of your normal routine and be free! The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, helping you get in touch with the person that you always wanted to be when you grew up—or maybe you’re realizing that you no longer identify with those past desires! The moon enters Pisces, giving you extra time to meditate and take some quality alone time. Virgo season will be very busy—you’re getting ready to take care of some business!

The full moon in fellow fixed sign Aquarius connects you to your adoring fans. You realize that the more true to yourself you are, the more you can accomplish, and the brighter you can shine! This has positive implications for your career. The moon enters your house of hopes and dreams, connecting you with your friends and objectives. Virgo season is going to be sexy, artsy, good fun, so get ready to enjoy yourself! It’s a fun, memorable weekend.

The full moon in your chart’s house of distant travels and higher learning brings a big, evangelizing project to a peak! This can be a good time to release your ideas into the world, whether through formal publishing or simply sharing what you think with your friends. You’ll feel a lot better once you say it! Virgo season will bring your home and family life to focus. A new chapter begins.

The full moon illuminates a very secretive and spooky sector of your chart, and you’re looking at things that you normally don’t see! Your intuition is strong, and you can use your gut as a way to decide that things need to come to an end. The sun moves into your chart’s house of communication, which can have you ready to share your thoughts, or even get a better understanding of where your head is at!

The full moon in your chart’s house of relationships brings some things to a dramatic climax. You can make a well-informed change now that you fully understand the way you’ve been experiencing things, and how others have been experiencing things, too. It’s a good time to shower your partners in love and respect! Virgo season begins—time to think about how to foot the bill for your month-long birthday celebration.

Action planet Mars harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, which has you acting out! The way you’re behaving may be surprising or never-before-seen! It’s all in the name of self-expression. The full moon falls in your chart’s house of work and routine, helping you understand how you can fulfill your duties with more integrity and patience. This is also a time when you can look at your health objectively. Virgo season begins, which is empowering. Your autonomy is strengthened!

The full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius brings your attention to your creative, romantic, and social life. This is a time when you can get a complete look at the ways you’ve been expressing yourself—and if it hasn’t been authentic, it’s time to let it go! The moon enters your chart’s house of work and routine, putting you in the mood to take care of your to-do list. Virgo season will be a period when you spend time with yourself, thinking about your next move.

The full moon in your chart’s house of home and family brings clarity to personal issues. You’re getting a better understanding of your need for privacy and rest, and a connection to where you came from. Connecting to your roots helps you contextualize yourself. The moon enters fellow water sign Pisces, finding you eager to extend the weekend and have more flirtatious fun! Virgo season begins, which is all about your hopes and dreams for the future.

The full moon in your chart’s house of communication and commuting brings important information to the surface. Conversations are eye-opening and information is released. This is a time when all your research comes together! The moon enters your chart’s house of home and family, putting you in a cozy, restful mood. You’re in high demand, however, as Virgo season begins. Get ready for next week!

The full moon in your chart’s house of personal resources shows you everything you have to be grateful for. You can feel like you have everything you need, or like you have some space for more! The moon moves into your chart’s house of communication, giving you space to make lists and write important messages. Virgo season begins, and you’re eager to move into new, uncharted territories. There are things to learn and explore!

The full moon in your sign puts you in your element. You’re able to let go of other people’s expectations in order to make more space for yourself. Relationships teach you about yourself and your needs. The moon enters your chart’s house of personal resources and you might be shopping more. Virgo season begins, and you’re looking closely at things that need to change and be given away. Maybe you have items that you don’t want anymore.

The full moon in your chart’s house of secrets and subconscious can illuminate a part of your mind that you’re not typically connected with. Through meditation or solid alone time, you can gain a better understanding of your feelings and mental space. The moon enters your sign, Pisces, putting you in a sentimental and sensitive mood. Virgo season begins, and new beginnings are taking place in your relationships. It’s time to evaluate how relationships and commitments to other people play a role in your life!
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