Daily Horoscope: August 21, 2021
August 20, 2021The full moon is almost here, so energies are building to become more erratic. The moon in chill, rational air sign Aquarius clashes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, at 6:11 AM, and unexpected things happen! People are acting out…
All times ET.

You’re in the mood to connect with your politics, friends, and communities as the moon moves through a social sector of your chart. The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and you’re eager to donate or invest in your future in a way that’s risky or quirky.

The moon in your chart’s house of career and public reputation connects you with your legacy and what you want to be known for. The moon clashes with quirky Uranus, pushing you to make a change that will surprise everyone, yourself included! This is all for the sake of authenticity, and maybe shaking things up, too.

The moon in fellow air sign Aquarius gives you a hunger for knowledge. This can be met through higher learning or traveling to a different part of the world. The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and you’re seeing things from a completely alternative perspective. Your mind is still unstoppable.

The moon in a secret and psychic sector of your chart connects you with things that are normally outside of your perception. Your intuition is strong, and what you choose to do with this intuition might be executed impulsively, on a whim, as the moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. Disruptive financial events may occur.

You’re longing to connect with others as the moon occupies your chart’s house of partnerships, but you have to take an alternative path in order to do so! The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unconventional, and some relationships are disrupted due to unforeseeable events. Something totally unpredictable and out of the ordinary happens!

You just want to take care of business as the moon moves through your chart’s house of work and routine, putting you in a productive and active mood. The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, asking that you make some room in your schedule for things you can’t predict. Maybe you no longer feel like taking part in a commitment!

The moon in fellow air sign Aquarius gives you all of the space you need in order to feel creative and sexy. The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and you’re really feeling quirky! This is a time when you can do something out of the ordinary, but only because it makes you feel like you’re expressing your authentic self.

You’re in the mood to spend some time in your cave as the moon moves through your chart’s sector of home and family. Your plans to stay inside and hide are disrupted as the moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. An unusual relationship asks that you make some changes to your comfort zone. Interpersonal freedoms are prioritized.

The moon in your chart’s house of commuting and communication can find you out and about, running errands all over town. You can always make phone calls while you’re on your way to your destination! The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of technology and innovation, giving you an alternative route for communication, or bringing some unexpected news.

There are things that you definitely want as the moon moves through your chart’s house of personal resources. This can be a time when you’re doing some retail therapy or simply paying off important bills. The moon clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and you may be impulsively investing in your art, sexuality, or other pleasures.

You’re in tune with your needs and feelings as the moon moves through your sign, Aquarius. The Aquarius full moon is tomorrow, by the way! The moon clashes with Uranus, your modern planetary ruler, finding you addressing unexpected issues around the house with grace and gentle attention. You’re getting your hands dirty, and being directly involved.

This is a chill, hands-off weekend, Pisces. The moon in a secret and behind-the-scenes area of your chart asks that you pay attention to the things that normally don’t get your care. This might require you to go off the grid or spend some quality time alone. Surprising messages appear as the moon clashes with Uranus.
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