Daily Horoscope: July 24, 2021
July 23, 2021Messenger planet Mercury connects with mystical Neptune at 9:35 AM, inspiring our imaginations, boosting intuitions, and helping us understand one another. The moon in air sign Aquarius meets strict Saturn at 2:25 PM, helping us set boundaries. Surprises may arrive as the moon clashes with Uranus at 8:43 PM.
All times ET.

Your intuition gets a boost as the planet of the mind, Mercury, mingles with mystical Neptune. The moon in Aquarius finds you setting boundaries in your social life and possibly making surprising decisions about how you invest your time, energy, and money.

Inspiring conversations take place as Mercury mingles with dreamy Neptune. Your focus is also on your career as the moon moves through Aquarius today. You’re embracing responsibility while doing things your own way.

Your ruling planet Mercury connects with Neptune, bringing a big boost of creativity, and benefiting your career and reputation. The moon is in fellow air sign Aquarius, finding you setting important boundaries around communication, and perhaps embarking on an unexpected journey.

Easy energy flows around communication today as logical Mercury mingles with intuitive Neptune. The moon in Aquarius finds you setting firm boundaries around finances and connecting with surprising people.

Communication planet Mercury mingles with mystical Neptune, bringing a boost to your intuition. The moon is in your opposite sign Aquarius, finding you setting firm boundaries in your relationships and making some unexpected choices in your career.

Your ruling planet Mercury makes a harmonious connection with dreamy Neptune, creating a lovely energy for communication in your partnerships. The moon in Aquarius urges you to set firm boundaries around your time and how much work you take on, but it could also find you adding an unexpected—or even thrilling—event to your itinerary.

Mercury mingles with dreamy Neptune, inspiring creativity. The moon is in fellow air sign Aquarius, and you’re setting important boundaries in your love life as the moon meets Saturn. Unexpected emotions may surface as the moon clashes with Uranus.

Messenger planet Mercury connects with intuitive Neptune, inspiring a harmonious atmosphere for communication. The moon in Aquarius finds you focused on home and family life: You’re setting important boundaries today, and may be connecting with some unexpected people.

Sympathy flows as Mercury mingles with Neptune. The moon in Aquarius meets taskmaster Saturn, finding you setting boundaries around how accessible you are to others, and you could be making unexpected plans as the moon connects with wildcard Uranus.

Messenger planet Mercury connects with Neptune, inspiring open-hearted conversations. The moon in Aquarius finds you setting important boundaries around money, but you might also have unexpected fun later on!

Creative solutions abound as logical Mercury mingles with intuitive Neptune. The moon is in your sign today, Aquarius, helping you get in touch with your emotions. You’re setting important boundaries and making great changes at home.

Communication planet Mercury connects with your ruling planet Neptune today, finding you having inspiring conversations regarding love and creativity! The moon in Aquarius also encourages you to take a break and rest.
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