Daily Horoscope: July 11, 2021
July 10, 2021Mercury enters intuitive water sign Cancer today, inspiring sensitive (and sometimes defensive!) communication. We are setting boundaries as the moon in Leo opposes Saturn at 6:31 PM. The moon clashes with Uranus at 11:11 PM, which may bring some surprises.
All times ET.

Messenger planet Mercury enters sensitive water sign Cancer today, finding you in a private mood. You’re sorting out paperwork or plans concerning your family or living situation. You might also connect with the past.

Communication planet Mercury enters intuitive Cancer today, activating the sector of your chart that rules your mind. It’s a powerful time to connect with your inner voice and express yourself. An uptick in activity in your local neighborhood may take place, too.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters Cancer, finding you focused on finances and security: You might be handling paperwork concerning money or having conversations about your income or budget.

Chatty Mercury enters your sign today, Cancer! This is a busy time of year for you: You’re navigating exciting negotiations, expressing yourself, and exchanging important information.

Messenger planet Mercury enters Cancer today, boosting your intuition. It’s a great time to start keeping a dream journal, meditating, and quieting your busy mind.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters Cancer, lighting up the friendship sector of your chart. But you might have a slow start on networking, as the moon in Leo encourages you to catch up on rest!

Communication planet Mercury enters Cancer, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career! This is an exciting time to network, share ideas, and make negotiations.

Messenger planet Mercury enters fellow water sign Cancer today, which may bring you news from abroad or inspire you to travel! This is an exciting time to study or publish something.

Conversations about money, especially complicated matters like debts, taxes, inheritances, and shared resources, may take place as communication planet Mercury enters Cancer.

Communication in your relationships is highlighted as Mercury enters your opposite sign Cancer. Your partners may have plenty to say at this time! It’s an exciting moment to connect with people and share ideas.

It’s a fantastic time to get organized! Mercury enters Cancer, helping you get your environment and your to-do list in order. The moon is also in your opposite sign Leo today, bringing your focus to relationships.

Communication planet Mercury enters fellow water sign Cancer today, inspiring communication in your love life and in your creative endeavors. An uptick in party invitations may take place.
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